Lichen planus Flashcards
What is the incidence of lichen planus?
Is liken plnus more common in males or females?
What is the underlying process in LP?
Immunologically mediated mucocutanoues disorder caused by action of CD4 and CD8 cells which targets keratinocytes
What factors are caustive agents in LP?
Mostly idiopathic
drugs: antimalirials, antihypersentivies, anutidiabetic, antirhematic
Medical: SLE, hypertentsion, diabetes, liver disease
What sites can be affected by LP?
wrists, scalp, mouth, genital
What are the 6 types of LP?
Erosive atrophic plaque like reticular papular bullous
What two types of LP are associated with the highest risk of malignancy?
Erosive and plaque like
What would you do clinically to aid diagnosis?
Biopsy (incisional) and Bloods (possible SLE)
HCV serology, AI profile, epidermial patch test
What features would the histopathoology show?
band like T cells infiltration along the basement membrane Acanthosis and atrophy basal cell liquefactron saw shaped rete ridges hyperparakeratinisation may show signs of dysplasia Ulcerated lesions may not show keratosis
What is the management of LP?
Good OH remove any possible agents topical steroids Betnosel: betamethosone mouth rinse Barrier agent eg Orabase which is carboxymethylcellulose Antiseptic agents eg CHX
Moderate to severe inflam: refer to specialist and use high potency topical steroids such as clobetesol 0.05% mixed with Orabase and topical tacrolimus 0.01% mixed with Orabase 1:1
Systemic therapy: prednisalone starting at 40mg and reduce over month and long term systemic therapy used in recalcitrant OLP eg azothiarpine
What are the features of OLP?
usually bilateral usually affects the buccal mucosa Desquammative gingivitis Mucosal erosion with frank ulceration Bullous lesions
What may also be associated with oral lichen planus?
Skin lesions
Which extra oral sites are associate with lichen planus?
What are the skin lesions in lichen planus?
Wrist ankles and Lowe back
Purple red papules sometimes have white streaks known as whickams striae
3-5mm in diameter
Hypertrophic lichen planus which appears on the ankles
What happens when the extra oral lesions have cleared?
The skin in this part appears discoloured
T/F Lichen planus can affect the nails?
T/F lichen planus can affect the scalp?
How do nails appear in lichen planus?
Or sometimes darker and nails shed of stop growing
What can happen to the hair in the region of the SCAP where LP has affected?
Can be permanent hair loss
What are the complications of OLP?
Periodontal attachment loss
Malignancy risk
T/F the histology between OLL and OLP is indistinguishable, ?
What type of disease may lead to Lichen planus type lesions?
Hep C with OLL
How does indirect IF work?
Clotted blood sample
Placed into serum and incubated with a substance eg monkey oesophagus, AB bind to the targets and then an antihuman AB with a fluorescent marker is used to show binding pattern