Surveillance and reporting - international level Flashcards
Define surveillance
- systematic, continuous or repeated measurement, collection, collation, analysis interpretation and timely dissemination of animal health and welfare related data from define population. These data are used to describe health hazard occurrence and to contribute to the planning, implementation and evaluation of risk mitigation actions
- active and passive surveillance (latter is where you rely on others to report disease)
Differentiate reportable and notifiable disease
- – (waiting for slides)
- If you suspect signs of any NOTIFIABLE disease, you must immediately notify the local animal health DVM, generally by contacting the local animal health office and speaking to the duty vet
Where can you find the contact details of your local animal health office?
Animal and Plant Health Agency
Define MBM
Meat and bone meal (risk factor for BSE)
Describe OIE/ WAHO
- based in paris
- formed 1924 in response to international trade problems relating to rinderpest
- established to implement an international agreement controlling epizootics with a strong role on receiving and disseminating information on dz presence
- also to develop adn hold standard approaches to dz diagnostics and dz control
- meets once a year in may with each member country sending their Chief Veterinary Officer or equivalent
OIE responsibilities
- collects and publishes official data on animal disease occurrence - notifiable dz list is define and updated during the general sessions
- publishes information on diagnostic tests and dz control
- in 1998 signed an agreement with the World Trade Organisation to act as an arbitrator in the case of trade disputes that relate to animal health
- the OIE sets standards that its member states are responsible to implement
What is the acronym for the FAO Emergency Prevention System?
What is EMPRES?
- international cooperation involving early warning, early reaction, coordination and capacity development
- food safety (food chain approach)
- the idea is that investment in emergency prevention is more cost effective, livelihoods saving and ecologically less devastating than responding to fully developed food-chain crises
Define GLEWS
Global Early Warning System
What is EMPRES-i?
EMPRES Global Animal Disease Information System - a web-based app
- various data sources (official and unofficial)
- provides updated information on global animal dz, distribution and current threats at the national, regional and global level
What is the WHO?
- the directing and coordinating authority for health within the UN
- responsible for providing leadership on global health matters (shapes health research agenda, sets norms and standards, articulates evidence-based policy options, provides technical support to countries ad monitoring and assessing health trends)
What is WHO’s Global Health Atlas?
brings together for analysis and comparison standardised data and statistics for infectious diseases at country, regional and global levels.
What is the European Safety Authority?
- independent European agency
- set up Jan 2002, after crises in late 1990s
- independent sour of scientific advice and communication on risks associated with food chain
- part of comprehensive programme to improve EU food safety, ensure consumer protection and restore and maintain confidence in the EU food supply
What does a risk assessor do?
produces scientific opinions and advice –> foundation for European policies and legislation and to support risk management decisions
What does ECDC stand for?
European Centre of Disease Prevention and Control
- Independent European agency, established 2005
What does the ECDC do?
- aims to ID, assess and communicate current and emerging threats to human health posed by infectious diseases
- works in partnership with national health protection bodies across Europe to strengthen and develop continent-wide disease surveillance and early warning systems
- gathers surveillance data from EU Member States on 52 communicable diseases and conditions through the European Surveillance System (TESSy)
Define TESSy
The European Surveillance System
What does The European Surveillance System (TESSy) do?
- system for collection, validation, cleaning, anlysis and dissemination of data
- used for data analysis and production of outputs for public health action
- all EU member states (28) and EEA countries report their available data on communicable diseases as described in decision No 2119/98 EC to the system
- routine surveillance
- has replaced the data collection systems in place for the Dedicated Surveillance Networks (DSNs) - one database
Define DSN
Database Surveillance Network
Define ADNS
Animal Disease Notification System (notification system designed to register and document important infectious animal diseases. Weekly summary email sent to all ADNS members. Development of an Animal Disease Information System = ADIS - compatible with WAHIS).