Stunning 1 Flashcards
What is a V-restrainer?
For sheep On an incline Often used for Halal Belt moves animal forwards and feet are off floor. Animal moved to top where slaughterman is. Possible for electrical stunning. Unable to escape –> ensures right position
Outline legally define stunning methods
- electrical - penetrative captive bolt - non-penetrative captive bolt - gas stunning
Outline slaughter methods
= how to kill animal - sticking (severing vessels to brain - cutting throat or severing vessels coming off heart) or neck cutting - cardiac arrest - decapitation - neck dislocation (care - some animals still conscious after this) - free bullet - maceration (day old male chicks) - gas stunning (poultry)
List euthanasia methods
- lethal injection - free bullet - penetrative captive bolt and pithing - anaesthetic inhalation - carbon dioxide - carbon monoxide - neck dislocation
What should you always remember about mechanical abattoirs?
can always break down - animals stuck at all points
What is pithing?
you introduce something into brain –> maceration (good for pigs as they convulse a lot - will stop the convulsions if brainstem fully destroyed). Animal CANNOT then be used for human consumption
List stunning methods
- head only electrical stunning - percussive stunning - electrical waterbath stunning - gas stunning
Outline captive bolt
- mainly cattle - sometimes sheep, calves, horses - severe convulsions in pigs (not used) - instantaneous unconsciousness and usually irreversible when applied correctly - source of energy (cartridges, compressed air) - if aim is slightly out of line, animal will not collapse or start to recover
Outline licensing of captive bolt gun use
- No firearms license required for vets (even with gunpowder type) - elective in final year (animal welfare and ethics - you can practice on cadavers) - Vets (graduated) allowed to use a captive bolt gun - Non-vets need home office licence or slaughtering license. General public can use any method to relieve suffering
Signs of effective captive bolt stun
- imediate collapse with HL flexed - tonic body spasm - immediate loss of normal rhythmic breathing - immediate loss of corneal and palpebral reflex - no eyeball rotation (eyeball rotation is a good sign for slaughter WITHOUT stunning) - relaxed jaw - no righting reflex (associated with other coordinated movements) - convulsive kicking (clonic phase, good sign, looks like running on ground, shooting inhibits descending control on cerebral cortex –> violent kicking. If no kicking, it is a sign to slaughter again)
Describe the shooting position for bovines
- crossover b/w eyes and horns - shoot down towards brainstem
Describe shooting position for pigs
- forehead - 2cm up from eyes - aim for tail to get brainstem - some pigs have flat faces/different shapes - pigs have solid frontal bones (don’t shoot if >60kg, use a shotgun) - not effective as convulse a lot
Describe shooting position for sheep
- top of head - angle to base of jaw - HORNED: tilt position of gun - POLLED: shoot at highest point of head
Describe shooting position for horses
- crossover b/w eyes and ears then shoot 2cm above this crossover.
Outline electrical stunning
- head only electrical stunning –> brain dysfunction and unconsciousness - electrical stun causes rapid depolarisation of the membrane potentials of the nn of the brain –> synchronised activity - EEG waveform similar to grand mal waveform (human epilepsy) - human epilepsy is an abnormal brain state which is incompatbible with continued consciousness - seizures or convulsions accompany epileptic states but aren’t reliable indicators
2 methods of electrical stunning
- head only - head to body (–> cardiac arrest, reduces likelihood of recovery)
What is the legal minimum current for head only electrical stunning?
- PIGS 1.3A - Sheep 1.00A - calves (1.25A) - cattle (1.28A)
Describe electrode position
- performance depends on position and current - stunning less effective with presence of wool and dry skin or when stunning is caudally behind ears
What is the duration of unconsciousness with head-only electrical stunning
- most animals 60-70 seconds - in fastest recovering animals 37-45 seconds - animals must be bled promptly to prevent fastest recovering animal from regaining
How long does brain death occur after electrically induced cardiac arrest?
28 seconds
Describe time to brain death with head only stun + sticking
- head only stun to sticking must be no more than 23 seconds - then 14 seconds later –> brain death
What BVs must be cut?
carotid arteries essential
How long does it take to loose brain responsiveness if both carotids and jugulars are cut?
14 s +/- 1
How long does it take for brain to loose consciousness if one carotid and one jugular are cut?
70 s +/- 1
How long does it take for brain to loose consciousness if no carotids and both jugulars are cut?
almost 5 minutes!! (emphasises the importance of cutting the jugulars)