Surgery Flashcards
Which of the diagnostic findings indicates the diagnosis of urinary bladder rupture
o If the cystourethral catheterization cannot harvest urine in a traumatized patient
o If the urine is bloody obtained via cystourethral catheterization in a traumatized patients
o If the contrast leakage is confirmed by positive anterograde cystography
o If the contrast leakage is confirmed by positive retrograde cystography
o If the contrast leakage is confirmed by positive retrograde cystography ?
Which of the following statements is correct? The injuries of the tongue
o Are not to be operated o
o Mostly heal with complications
o Mostly approximated with metal clips or sutures
o Always to be regarded as contaminated
o Always to be regarded as contaminated
Which of the following layers is the first to be closed during midline laparotomy
o Rectus sheet
o Falciform ligament
o Peritoneum
o Peritoneum + rectus abdominis muscle
o Rectus sheet
In case of standing castration it is advised as
o Only open technique, with scrotal incision
o Open technique, with scrotal incision, laparoscopic removal of an abdominal cryptorchid testicle
o Open technique, with inguinal incision
o Closed technique, sutured
o Only open technique, with scrotal incision?
Which statement is correct? During nephrotomy
o The kidney is occluded via clamping both the renal artery and vein
o Renal vein is to to be occluded so that the arterial supply remains intact
o Renal artery is to be occluded so that the venous drainage remains intact
o The ureter is also occluded
o The kidney is occluded via clamping both the renal artery and vein
Which of the following therapeutic steps is to be taken first after diagnosing urethral obturation in a male dog
o Urethrohydropropulsio
o Prescrotal urethrostomy
o Scrotal urethrostomy
o Perineal urethrostomy
o Urethrohydropropulsio
Which of the following protocols is to be followed in case of acute obstruction form of Feline lower urinary tract disease
o Stabilization + perirenal urethrostomy (if unsuccessful catheterization)
o Stabilization + cystocentesis
o Stabilization + urinary bladder expression (not)
o Stabilization + urethral catheterization
o Stabilization + urethral catheterization
Which of the following procedures can be used to demonstrate urethral rupture
o Double contrast cystography
o Intravenous urography
o Excretory urethrography
o Retrograde urethrography
o Retrograde urethrography?
In which of the following breeds is the congenital cleft palate common
o French bulldog
o German shepherd c
o Yorkshire terrier
o Hungarian vizsla
o French bulldog
Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding splenic hemangiosarcoma (HSA)
o Tumorous splenectomy is to be regarded as palliative procedure
o Chemotherapy does not definitely improve the outcome
o The ruptured status of the tumor at surgery is not a negative prognostic factor
o Splenic HSA does not metastatise into the heart
o The ruptured status of the tumor at surgery is not a negative prognostic factor
Which of the followings is the least effective in German shepherd ́s perianal fistulation
o Fistulectomy
o Cyclosporine
o Prednisolone
o Conservative management
o Fistulectomy
Which statement is incorrect concerning perianal adenoma
o It is uncommon in female
o It mostly occurs in males
o It mainly originates from circumanal glands
o It originates from the anal sac in females
o It originates from the anal sac in females
Which statement is correct regarding ectopic ureter
o It may cause dysuria
o In acquired form, the incontinence is recurring
o The urinary incontinence might be combined with normal micturition episodes
o The urinary incontinence is always constant
o The urinary incontinence might be combined with normal micturition episodes
What is the major difference between midline and incisional gastropexy
o Midline gastropexy uses seromuscular pattern, whilst incisional operates with penetrating sutures
o The technique fix different areas of the stomach
o In the framework of incisional gastropexy scarification of the stomach serosa is done, unlike midline gastropexy
o Incisional gastropexy has just temporary efficacy
o The technique fix different areas of the stomach?
Which is the uppermost muscle layer to be incised during lateral thoracotomy
o Dorsal latissimus m
o Dorsal serratus m
o Ventral serratus m
o M.cutaneus trunci
o M.cutaneus trunci
Which statement is incorrect concerning acute abdominal catastrophe
o The diagnosis of acute abdomen is sufficient for surgical indication?
o The precise diagnosis of particular organ dysfunctions is necessary for surgical indication
o It definitely requires emergency care
o It is caused by morphological and/ or functional disorders of abdominal organ(s)
o The precise diagnosis of particular organ dysfunctions is necessary for surgical indication
According to Vasanjee et al Vet Surg paper (2006), which of the following liver biopsy techniques caused remarkable colleteral tissue damage
Laparoscopic “pinch” biopsy
According to Vasanjee et al Vet Surgery paper (2006) which of the following liver biopsy technique caused remarkable (more than 2 ml) bleeding
o Ligature-biopsy
o Laparoscopic “pinch” biopsy
o Needle biopsy
o None of them
o None of them
Which statement is correct?
o Clean soft tissue procedures require broad spectrum antibiotic treatment preoperatively
o Clean soft tissue procedures require first generation cephalosporins preoperatively
o Clean-contaminated soft tissue procedures require antibiotic prophylaxis
o In clean-contaminated soft tissue procedures, amoxicillin treatment is the therapy of choice
o Clean-contaminated soft tissue procedures require antibiotic prophylaxis
What is “V-Y plasty”?
o the correction of Y-U plasty
o the type of Z plasty
o the modified type of W plasty
o tension relieving plastic procedure
tension relieving plastic procedure
What does W-plasty mean?
o the correction of Y-U plasty
o the modified type of type of Y-U plasty
o the modified type of Z plasty
o scar correcting plastic procedure
o scar correcting plastic procedure
Which of the followings has got the widest indication area?
o Plastic surgery
o Cosmetic surgery
o Esthetic surgery
o Reconstructive surgery
o Reconstructive surgery
Which of the following organs is most commonly displaced/incarcerated leading to acute symptoms in case of perineal hernia
o Urinary bladder
o Small intestines
o Large intestines
o Uterus
o Urinary bladder
Which type of perineal hernia is the most common one in bitches?
o the. Lateral
o dorsal
o ventral
o perineal hernia does not exist in bitches
o perineal hernia does not exist in bitches