Neurology Flashcards
Tetanus/aetiology, pathogenesis/dog?
o Clostridium tetani infection -> encephalitis -> spastic paralysis
o Anaerobe wound + Clostridium tetani infection -> tetanospasmin-formation -> GABA and glicin inhibition
o Enteral absorption of tetanospasmin -> neuromuscular paralytic effect
o Enteral absorption of tetanospasmin -> GABA and glicin activation
o Anaerobe wound + Clostridium tetani infection -> tetanospasmin-formation -> GABA and glicin inhibition
Difference in rabies and Aujeszky´s disease symptoms in dog and cat?
o Paresthesia is common in Aujeszky´s disease, offensive behaviour is common in rabies
o Strabismus and ascending limb paralysis are common in Aujeszky´s disease, paresthesia is common in rabies
o Swallowing disorder does not occur in Aujeszky´s disease only in rabies. The aquifer is typical of Aujeszky´s disease
o Rabies in cats does not occur, only Aujeszky´s disease
o Paresthesia is common in Aujeszky´s disease, offensive behaviour is common in rabies
Rabies vs. Aujeszky’s disease/differences in symptoms/dog and cat?
o Anisocoria and paresthesia are common in Aujeszky’s disease, attacking behaviour is common in rabies
o Strabismus and ascending limb paralysis are common in Aujeszky’s diseases, paresthesia is common in rabies
o Dysphagia do not occur in Aujeszky’s diseases, only in rabies, Lung oedema is characteristic in Aujesky’s disease
o Rabies does not occur in cats, only Aujeszky occurs in cats
o Anisocoria and paresthesia are common in Aujeszky’s disease, attacking behaviour is common in rabies
Which medicine can be used to relieve seizures?
o Diazepam
o Propofol
o Both
o None
o Both
What is the most likely cause of a seizure in a young adult dog?
o Congenital heart disease
o Primary epilepsy
o Portosystemic shunt
o Brain tumor
o Primary epilepsy
Lurking of rabies (if they mean incubation)
o It is usually 2-3months, but can be shorter or longer, depending on the location of the infection
o Symptoms of OA rabies develop within 3-7 days after infection
o OA rabies incubation period is very short, symptoms occur within 1-2 days after infection
o Usually 1-2 weeks, but can be shorter if the milling has hit the first limbs
o It is usually 2-3months, but can be shorter or longer, depending on the location of the infection
Which statement is true for congenital hydrocephalus?
o A hydrocephalus is common in flatal (less than 1 year) individuals of large dogs
o Ventriculoperitoneal shunt implantation in dogs may be used for palliative symptomatic treatment
o Glucocorticoid and diuretic therapy is contraindicated in individuals with high intracranial pressure
o Hydrocephalus is very rare in flatal (less than 1 year) individuals of small dogs
o Ventriculoperitoneal shunt implantation in dogs may be used for palliative symptomatic treatment
A 3-year-old Labrador has experienced 2 seizures in the last 2 months. Other than that, nothing did not detect any abnormality in his dog. What is the most likely diagnosis?
o Idiopathic epilepsy
o Structural epilepsy, presumably due to a congenital brain disorder.
o Reactive epileptic seizures due to compulsive eating in labradors.
o Portosystemic shunt (given the age of animal)
o Idiopathic epilepsy
Which spinal disease is painful?
o Discopathy
o Fibrocartilago embolism
o Degenerative myelopathy
o Wobbler syndrome
o Discopathy
Where is the most characteristic localization of vertebral body tumors?
o In the middle of the third vertebral bodies
o In end plates
o Multifidarius processes
o Articular process
o In the middle of the third vertebral bodies
The modified Glasgow coma scale assesses brain damage based on;
o Pupil size, motor activity, state on consciousness
o Pupillaray reaction, motor activity, brainstem reflexes
o Brainstem flexes, motor activity, state of consciousness
o Pupil size, brainstem reflexes, state of consciousness
o Brainstem flexes, motor activity, state of consciousness
How can we diagnose deep pain?
o To tighten/pinch patient’s finger
o The patient squeezed his finger, stretching out the limb on the opposite side
o After pinching/squeezing a patient’s finger, he pulls out, turns his head, vocalizes, tries to bite.
o After painful stimulation, the M.cutaneus trunci contracts
o After pinching/squeezing a patient’s finger, he pulls out, turns his head, vocalizes, tries to bite.
What means cervical malformation & malarticulation?
o Wobbler syndrome
o Cauda equina syndrome
o Perthes disease
o Sever’s disease
o Wobbler syndrome
What situation does taken CSF sample help diagnosis
o Meningitis
Why are cats sensitive to pyrethrins?
o Hepatic glucuronidase activity is low → decr. metabolism → toxicosis (seizures/tremors)
Which instrumental additional test is best for diagnosing fibrocartilago embolism
o X-ray
o CT
o Liqour cytology
Which cannot be a symptom of transverse myelopathy
o partiality o lameness o Ataxia o Hyperreflexia o Proprioceptive disorder
o Ataxia
Which is not true for degenerative myelopathy?
o It is a nutritional problem
o Slowly progressive axonal degeneration and demyelinisation
o Most frequent is older german shepherd dogs
o No curative treatment
o It is a nutritional problem
Cervicalstenotic myelopathy/ diagnostics
o Measuring vitamin E and selenium
o CSF sampling
o Cervical CT examination
o Myelography
o Myelography
What disease is this dog suffering from ? (terrier on a table, lateral recumbency)
o Aujeszky disease
o Botulism
o Meningioencephalitis
o Tetanus
o Botulism
Prevention of epilepticseizures/medication/dog?
o Diazepam, dexamethasone, phenytoin
o Phenobarbital, potassium-bromide
o Nitrazepam, progabide, phenobarbital
o Phenobarbital, potassium-bromide
Rabies/incubation period?
o Usually 2-4 weeks, but can be shorter or longer, depends on which body part was infected
o Symptoms start 3-10 days after infection
o Incubation period is very short, symptoms start 1-2 days after infection
o Usually 2-4 months, but can be longer if the hind limbs of the patient had been bitten
o Usually 2-4 months, but can be longer if the hind limbs of the patient had been bitten
Neurophysiologic background of botulism?
o Paralysis of the striated muscles due to inhibited released of GABA at the presynaptic motor nerve endings
o Paralysis of the striated muscles due to inhibited release of acetylcholine at the presynaptic motor nerve endings
o General muscular paralysis due to inhibited release of acetylcholine at the presynaptic motor nerve endings
o Paralysis of striated muscles due to inhibited release of GABA at postsynaptic motor n. endings
o Paralysis of the striated muscles due to inhibited release of acetylcholine at the presynaptic motor nerve endings
D-vitamin toxicity/Which of the below statements is false?
o In dogs it is more frequent, because cats have higher tolerance to vitamin D
o Chronic vit D-toxicity causes transient hypercalcaemia, soft tissue calcification, mineralisation of long bones
o Acute D-vit toxicity causes vomiting, hypercalcaemia, hypoglycaemia, ataxia, epileptiform seizures
o Useful in D-vit toxicosis, treatment: charcoal, IV fluid therapy, sucralphate, prednisolone, furosemide
o Acute D-vit toxicity causes vomiting, hypercalcaemia, hypoglycaemia, ataxia, epileptiform seizures