Summary of lower limb innervation (dave's notes) Flashcards
What is the cutaneous innervation to the buttocks?
Fibres running down from subcostal and iliohypogastric nerves, posterior rami of the first 3 lumbar nerves and the first three sacral nerves.
What is the cutaneous innervation to the posterior thigh?
the opsterior femoral cutaneous nerve gives an upward continuatino to the buttock, and a long strip down the back of the limb.
What is the cutaneous innervation to the lateral and medial thigh?
The lateral and medial femoral cutanteous nerves lie on either side of the thigh reaching around to the knee.
What is the cutaneous innervation to the anterior thigh?
The intermediate femoral cutaneous nerve.
What other nerve contributes to the cutaneous innnervation of the thigh?
There is a small contribution from the obturator nerve.
What area of skin does the superficial peroneal nerve supply?
Extends over the front of the lower leg and dorsum of the foot.
What area of skin does the deep peroneal nerve supply?
The first toe cleft
What area of skin does the sural nerve supply?
This takes over from the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve to the lateral side of the foot and the 5th toe.
What is the cutaneous nerve supply to the heel?
The calcaneal branches of the tibial nerve
What is the cutaneous nerve supply to the sole of the foot?
The medial and lateral plantar nerves
What is the innervation to the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Femoral nerve
What is the innervation to the adductor group?
Obturator nerve
What is the innervation to the posterior group of thigh muscles?
The tibial part of the sciatic nerve (but short head of biceps is supplied by the common peroneal part)
What is the innervation to the gluteal group?
Inferior gluteal nerve supplies gluteus maximus, the other two glutei are from the superior gluteal. Obturator internus is supplied by the obturator nerve.
What is the innervation to the flexor compartment of the leg?
The tibial nerve (plantar branches to the sole).
What is the innervation to the anterior compartment of the leg?
The common peroneal (superficial and deep parts).
What is the sympathetic innervation to the lower limb?
A grey ramus communicans joins each nerve of the lumbar and sacral plexus. Preganglionic fibres have come from cell bodies in the lateral horn of T11-L2 for supply of blood vessels, sweat glands, and erector pilorum muscles.