Sole of the foot - third and fourth layers, vessels and nerves (dave's notes) Flashcards
List the contents of the third layer of the foot. What is the collective term for these?
Flexor hallucis brevis
Adductor hallucis
Flexor digiti minimi
Together - the three short metatarsal muscles.
What is the origin and insertion of flexor hallucis brevis?
Arises from the under surface of the cuboid and lies against the undersurface of the first metatarsal bone til the deges split, develop sesamoid bones, and pass to the medial and lateral sides of the plantar surface of the proximal phalanx, great toe.
What is the action and innervation of flexor hallucis brevis?
Action is to flex the proximal phalanx of the big toe.
Innevation is the medial plantar nerve.
What is the origin and insertion of adductor hallucis?
Adductor hallucis has a large oblique head (from the long plantar ligament and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsals, and a small transverse head (from deep transverse ligament and lateral 4 MTP joints.
What is the action and innervation of adductor hallucis?
Action: Draws great to toward the axis.
Innervation is the deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve.
What is the origin and insertion of flexor digiti minimi?
Arises from the 5th metatarsal and peroneus longus to be inserted into the base of the proximal phalanx.
What makes up the fourth layer of the sole of the foot?
The interossei and intermetatarsal spaces.
What is the action of the interossei?
PAD DAB - plantar adduct and dorsal abduct
What do the plantar and dorsal interossei arise from?
The plantar arise from the metatarsal bone of its own toe
the dorsal interosseous arises by two heads from the second metatarsal on either side.
What is the longitudinal axis of the foot?
The longitudinal axis lies along the second toe
What three toes require adductors? In what direction to they adduct?
The three plantar adducting muscles adduct towards teh second toe (only the three lateral toes require adductors).
What toes have abductors? In what direction do they abduct?
The four dorsal abducting muscles adbuct away from the second toe. The 1st adn 5th each posses their own abductor. The 2nd toe requires one on either side. The 3rd and 4th require a single muscles each to abduct the digit laterally.
Where are the dorsal abductors located? What is their innervation?
They are crowded into the intermetatarsal space. All are supplied by the lateral plantar nerve.
What tendon crosses the sole of the foot? How? Where does it insert?
The tendon of peroneus longus crosses teh sole obliquely to be inserted at the base of the first metatarsal.
Where does the tendon of tibialis posterior insert? What does it give off?
Into the tuberosity of the navicular, giving off many strong fibres.