Suicide Flashcards
WHO prevalence of suicide in 2021
12th leading cause of death
wealthy to poor countries M:F suicide ratio
Wealthy M:F 3:1
Low/middle M:F 1:2
gender differences with suicide
women attempt more often
men succeed more often
What did shneidman believe in terms of suicide
suicide was traceable to intense psychological hurt, pain and anguish which he termed psychache
What were the 4 types of suicide shneidman came up with
- Death seekers- actively seeking out death/ multi attempt
- Death initiators- believe the process of dying is already underway
- Death ignorers- death is the start of something new
- Death darers- unsure about wanting to die, behaviour doesn’t ensure death
What is shneidmans idea of sub intentional death
caused by an unconscious wish to die that leads to reckless or negligent actions
What are the 4 types of sub intentional deaths
- Death chancers- ppl who take unnecessary risk to see what willl happen
- Death hasteners- People who engage in unhealthy lifestyles
- Death capitulators- people who give in to death
- Death experimenters- people who experiment with living in a continuously altered and foggy state
What is DSM suicidal behaviour disorder
dx in anyone who has attempted suicide
in remission if was 1-2 years ago
What are the arguments for and against suicidal behaviour disorder
for- adding will make clinicians more likely to assess for it, bringing it more to attention
against- its not really a discrete disorder as it occurs a lot w depressionn and anxiety, causes medicalization of suicide
What is the DSM diagnosis of non suicidal self injury disorder
A dx given to a person who deliberately injures oneself without suicidal intent
What is the most common non suicidal self injury (NSSI)
self cutting
-occurs mc in adolescence (especially girls)
What is NSSI disorder comorbid w
w suicidal behaviour (past attempts)
What brain regions are indicated w suicide
Genes involved w serotonin transmission
Prefrontal cortex issues
Overactive HPA axis (unable to suppress the stress response)
psychological persepectives to suicide
suicide as a response to anger towards others that is internalized and then redirected to oneself.
-Due to early losses in life
What is the CBT therapy idea of suicide
suicide is most likely when a predisposing disposition or vulnerability (ex irrational thinking) is brought to a breaking point by seemingly unmanagebke life stressiors
What is the main idea of CBT for suicide
emphasize changing pals cognitive distortions
WHat are 3 examples of structured stats to prevent sui attempts in CBT
- Chain analysis- identify events that bring person to suicide
- Safety plan- generate concrete coping mechanisms
- Self building- cognitive restructuring in which a patients irrational beliefs and cognitive distortions are challenlenegd
What is a CBT strat for reducing self harm in those w personality disorders
Dialectal behaviour therapy
What is the huministic view to suicide
zSuicide as a personal and meaningful run to humiliation anger hurt etc
-in response to ongoing psychological upset
What are the 2 sociocultural aspects of suicide that emile durkeim argued
social integration+ a persons sense of being socially included and accepted
Social regulation= communal rules used to monitor, influence and control people behaviour
what are the 4 types of suicide that durkeim argued
Egoistic- occurs when people believe they don’t belong
Alturistic- Social integration is so high that they willingly sacrificee themselves for greater good
Anomic- When people have low social regulation- society doesn’t provide support
Fatalistic- occurs when people experience high social regulation, rules and expectations
What is the Werther Effect
when the suicidal rate increases when their is more publicity on suicide
What is a no suicide contract
As clients to explicitly state that they will not hurt themselves for a specified amount of time