Sleep Disturbances Flashcards
What are the 4 types of brainwaves from least Hz to most
What is one of the most promising EEG neurofeedback treatments for PTSD
alpha theta training, makes use go the quality of alpha and theta waves to loosen frozen association and facilitate learning
How does the DSM5, ICD10 and ICD11 classify sleep diorders
DSM5- sleep wake disorders chapter
ICD10- nonorganic sleep disorders
ICD11- does not classify sleep disorders as mental disorders
What is insomnia and prevalence and age
Recurrent difficulty falling or staying asleep, waking up early and being unable to go back to sleep
Highest among middle aged and older age
what is hypersomnia and prevelence
Getting enough sleep but feeling perpetually tired and may fall asleep during the day
1% prev
What is narcolepsy, what can it also involve and prevelence
Periods of unexplained and uncontrollable sleepiness, often result in abrupt lapses into sleep
Cataplexy- sudden ad temp loss of mm tone (can be involved)
What are the stages of sleep
stages 1-3=non rem
stage 4=rem
go thru cycle roughly 5 times a night
What happens in stage 1 of sleep and what are the wave types
1 (beta, alpha, theta)- <20Hz
Between wakefulness and sleep
lasts 5 mins
What happens dueing stage 2 of sleep and what wave type
Theta (5-8hz)
May have bursts of electrical activity called sleep spindles which reflect brains effort to decrease response
-lasts 20mins
What happens in stage 3 of sleep and what type of waves
Delta (2-5hz)
Beginning of deep sleep
30 mins
What happens during rem sleep, what type of waves
Theta, Alpha, Some beta
-mm paralysis
decreased frontal lobe
increased amygdala, hippocampus, limbic actibity
Average duration of each sleep stage
1- %5
2- 45%
3- 25%
What is the hyperarousal theory of Insomnia
Biological perspective
- Hypothesizes that peple with chronic insomnia are genetically susceptible
- worrying at night etc
What neurotransmitter is narcolepsy and cataplexy associated w/
decreased Hypocretin from the lateral hypothalmus
Why do parasomnia disorders (sleep walking, night terrors) occur
caused do to an inadequate shift from non rem sleep to wakefulness
- disrupted sleep during delta wave periods
- potential genetic issue?
Drug tx for lack of sleep
- Benzos (enhance GABA)
- Non benzo sleep aids (enhance gaba)
- Antidepresents (just tricyclics)
- Antihistamines
- Melatonin
- ORexin receptor antagonists (bloxes orexin which is a NT that promotes wakefullness)
What are wake stimulants used when there is too much sleep (4)
- Stimulants (amphetamines)
- Modafinil ( non stim type drug)
- Sodium Oxybate (CNS depressent that is used to reduce cataplexy by increasing night sleep)
- Antidepressent (supresses REM sleep and can reduce cataplexy)
What are some CBT interventions for insomnia
- Stim control- must recondition bedroom to be associated w sleep
- Sleep restriction- sets limit for bed for # of hours + 30 mins
- Sleep hygiene education
- Cognitive therapy (alter illogical beliefs about sleep)
- Relaxation training
Sociological causes of reduced sleep
working 2+ jobs Longer commute lower education belonging to minority etc
What are the two elimination issues
Enuresis- repeated wet bed or clothes over age of 5
Encopresis- Repeatedly having bowel movements in inappropriate places over the age of 4
What are drug tx for enuresis
Vasopressin: reduces urin production
Desmopressin: synthetic version of vasopressin (may cause water intoxication)
Tricyclic antidepressents
Anticholinergic drugs; Blocks ach
Behaviour therapy methods for enuresis
Enuresis alarm (works thru classic and opperent conditioning)
Dry bed training- Parents wake up the child during the night and either praise when they don’t wet and punish when they don’t
CBT for encopresis
12 session structured therapy where:
-how to reinforce desired toilet behaviour
-child reinforced w stickers etc
skills training to teach child how to properly expel stool
What are the 2 psychodynamic perspectives on enuresis
Primary- child never attained bladder control (idividualization issues)
Secondary- Seen as stressful events that lead to the defence mechanism of regression to a less anxiety provoking development lvl
Alternative therapies for elimination issues