Structure, Function and Replication of DNA Flashcards
3´–OH terminus
End of a polynucleotide that terminates with an -OH.
Attached to 3´-carbon of the sugar
5´–P terminus
End of polynucleotide that terminates w/ a mono-, di- or
triphosphate attached to 5´-carbon of the sugar
β-N-glycosidic bond
Linkage between base and sugar of a nucleotide.
Purine base found in DNA and RNA.
A-form DNA
Not common in cellular DNA, only found in dehydrating conditions
Refers to opposite directional arrangement of 2 polynucleotide strands in double helix (5’ to 3’ & 3’ to 5’)
Base pairing
Attachment of one polynucleotide to another, or one part of one to another part of the same polynucleotide, by base pairs.
B-form DNA
Commonest structural conformation of the DNA double helix in living cells
Refers to two nucleotides or nucleotide sequences that are able to base-pair with one another.
One of the pyrimidine bases found in DNA and RNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
One of two forms of nucleic acid in living cells;
genetic material for all cellular life & many viruses
Purine nucleotide found in DNA and RNA.
Hydrogen bond
Weak electrostatic attraction between an electronegative atom (e.g. Oxygen/nitrogen) and a hydrogen atom attached to a second electronegative atom
Major groove
Larger of two grooves that spiral around the surface of the Bform of DNA.
Minor groove
Smaller of two grooves that spiral around the surface of the Bform of DNA
One of the structural units that are joined together to form a polymer
Purine/pyrimidine base attached to 5-C sugar
Purine/pyrimidine base attached to 5-C sugar, to which a mono-, di-, or triphosphate is also attached. The monomeric unit of DNA and RNA.
Sugar comprising five carbon atoms.
Phosphodiester bond
Chemical link between adjacent nucleotides in a
Compound made up of a long chain of identical or similar units.
Single-stranded DNA or RNA molecule.
One of two types of nitrogenous base found in nucleotides.
One of the pyrimidine bases found in DNA
Z-form DNA
Conformation of DNA in which the 2 polynucleotides are wound into a left-handed helix. Found naturally w/ B-DNA but only in certain regions. Unclear function.
Complex multigene family
Type of multigene family where genes have
similar nucleotide sequences, but are different enough to code for proteins w/ distinctive properties
Discontinuous gene
Gene split into exons and introns
Coding region within a discontinuous gene
Intergenic DNA
Region of genome not containing genes
Non-protein coding region within a discontinuous gene
Kilobase pair (kb)
1000 base pairs
Megabase pair (Mb)
1000kb or 1,000,000 bp
Molecular clock
Device based on inferred mutation rate enabling measure of rate at which gene sequence changes
Multigene family
Group of genes, clustered or dispersed, w/ related nucleotide sequences
Inactivated and non-functional copy of a gene
Simple multigene family
Multigene family in which all genes are the same
Tandem array
Set of identical or very similar genes arranged one after the other in a group
Buoyant density
Density possessed by a molecule/particle when suspended in an aqueous salt or sugar solution
Conservative replication
Hypothetical mode of DNA replication in which one
daughter double helix is made up of the two parental polynucleotides and the other is
made up of two newly synthesized polynucleotides
Dispersive replication
Hypothetical mode of DNA replication in which both polynucleotides of each daughter double helix are made up partly of parental DNA and partly of newly synthesized DNA.
DNA topoisomerase
Enzyme that adds.takes turns from the double helix by breakage & reunion of one or both polynucleotides
Helix whose strands can only be separated by unwinding
Semiconservative replication
Mode of DNA replication in which each daughter
double helix is made up of one polynucleotide from the parent and one newly synthesized polynucleotide
Type I topoisomerase
Topoisomerase that makes a single-stranded break in a double-stranded DNA molecule
Type II topoisomerase
Topoisomerase that makes a double-stranded break in a double-stranded DNA molecule.
3´→5´ exonuclease
Enzyme that sequentially removes nucleotides in 3´→5´direction from end of a nucleic acid molecule