Structure and Function 3 Flashcards
Support, anchorage, adhesion, growth and
differentiation of epidermal cells
Semi-permeable membrane acting as
barrier and filter
Dermoepidermal junction
Epidermolysis bullosa (simplex and dystrophic) affect which layer of the skin?
Dermo-epidermal junction
-due to a mutation in one of the proteins in the DEJ
Name 3 conditions with auto-antibodies to the proteins in the DEJ?
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
Chromosomes 12q, 17q
Autosomal dominant
Superficial blistering
Scarring absent
Often shows intermittent blsitering especially in hot weather
Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica
Deeper blistering associated with scarring
Skin, nails, mucosa and often the larynx involved
Repeated scarring results in squamous cell carcinoma and pts often die from complications in early life
Life expectancy significantly reduced
Recessive form is far worse than the dominat form
Which bullous disease shows positive immunofluorescence?
Bullous pemphigoid
Components of the dermis?
Cells - mainly fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, lymphocytes, Langerhans cells
Fibres – collagen, elastin
Ground substance
Blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves
Main type of cells in the dermis?
What type of cell secretes collagen?
These cells are scavengers and are involve in antigen presentation
Cells involved with immune reactions
Langerhans cells do what
Antigen presentation
What is dermogrpahism? (really cool)
Its like being able to write on your skin, whenever you stroke hard/scratch, it goes really red
Because of mast cell activation
Which layer of the skin is responsible for photo aging?
The fibres in the dermis
Flow of blood
Arteriole --> Precapillary sphincter --> Arterial capillaries --> Venous capillaries --> Post-capillary venules --> Collecting venules