Stress & Adaptation - Unit 6 Flashcards
Homeostasis - def
Body’s tendency to maintain itself in state of relative constancy.
ANS - functions in…
regulating internal environment of body.
Sympathetic Nervous System - prepares body to….
handle situations perceived as harmful/stressful and to participate in strenuous activity.
What are some effects of stress on the body? (SNS)
Dilated pupils, inhibited secretions, decreased sweat production, increased HR, dilation of bronchioles, decreased digestion, increased release of glucose by liver, vasoconstriction of arteries to increase BP, increased blood clotting, increased metabolic rate, increased mental alertness.
Parasympathetic Nervous System - operates during….
non stressful situations - it conserves body’s energy.
Effects of Stimulation of PNS on body -
constriction of pupils, stimulates secretions, decreased HR, vasoconstriction of coronary arteries, constriction of bronchioles, increased peristalsis and secretion of GI fluids.
What is stress?
Nonspecific response of body to any kind of demand made to it.
What are some illnesses linked to stress?
Skin disorders, metabolic disorders, respiratory/cardiovascular disorders, menstrual disorders, etc.
Stress as a stimulus - def
A life event, life change, and or set of circumstances causing a disrupted response that increased the individual’s vulnerability to illness.
Holmes and Rahe’s - life changes/measured on the social readjustment rating scale.
Stress as a repsonse - def
Stress is the non-specific response of the body to any kind of demand made upon it.
Stress as a transaction - def
Stress is a transaction between the person and an event within a certain environment. - Lazarus (1966.)
Transactional View attempts to answer the following:
Which factors lead some persons, and not others, to respond effectively to events within a certain environment, why some persons differ in their sensitivity and vulnerability to certain types of events in a certain environment, why some persons are able to adopt over longer periods than others to events within a certain environment.
What is GAS?
General Adaptation Syndrome
GAS - Stage 1 - __ Phase (#1)
Shock Phase - stressor perceived, either consciously or subconsciously. CNS reacts. Can last 1min to 24 hours.
GAS- Stage 1 _ Phase (#2)
Countershock Phase - body reverses what happened in the shock phase.
GAS - Stage 2 - What is it?
Stage of Resistance - SR - body tried to cope and adapt. Body will confine stress to smallest area possible - Inflammation and Local Adaptation Syndrome happens here.
GAS - Stage 3 - What is it?
Stage of Exhaustion - Coping and adaptive mechanisms are exhausted. Rest happens here. If not…death will occur! :(