Nursing Theories - Unit 4 Flashcards
Theories - def
set of defined concepts that are abstract generalizations (focus on general ideas rather than concrete.) They can explain relationships among phenomena, aim to explain, predict, control phenomena, etc.
Concepts - def/info
Basic building blocks or elements of theories/abstract description or name of phenomena.
Constructs - def
more abstract in meaning than concepts.
Variables - def
more specific in meaning = MEASURABLE.
Emotional Responses =
Fear =
Respiratory Rate =
(Construct, Concept, or variable?)
Model - def
A symbolic representation of concepts and interrelationships among variables.
Theoretical Frameworks - asserts…
relationships among constructs. Provides a theoretical perspective for the study. Implies links among variables to be tested (measure nursing home residents’ consistency, empathy, and reliability, etc.)
Conceptual frameworks - less developed than…
theoretical framework.
More abstract than theoretical frameworks. Explains phenomena of interest. Interrelated to a philosophical stance.
Models of nursing - defined as…
an abstraction of reality, providing a way to visualize reality and to simplify thinking. Provides a systematic structure and rationale for scholarly activities.
Callista Roy - Theory
Adaptation!!!!!!! 1970’s. Humans cope with adaptation. Environment leads to changes we have to adapt to.
Dorothea Orem - Theory
1970’s. Self care. Nurse’s should focus on their self care. Patient is their “self care agency.”
Jean Watson - Theory
Human caring. Late 70’s. Nurses have to care - caring and interpersonal relationships are key.
Hildegard Peplau - theory.
50’s. Goal Oriented. Establish goals in nursing care.
Martha Rogers - theory.
Model of Unitary Person. Energy Field. Focus on person as a synergistic phenomena. Achieve maximum potential.
Rosemarie Parse - theory.
Man-Living-Health. Open system + meaningful choices. Nurses have to guide patients to new choices in their health.
Betty Neuman - theory.
“Health Care Systems Model” - System of interrelated parts. Achieving Balance. Holistic look at the person.
Neuman’s System Model - what year?
Neuman - recognized the need for what?
The need for educators and practitioners to have a framework to view nursing within various contexts.
The Client System = the 1st Neuman concept is…
The client systems consists of a basic or core structure that is protected by lines of resistance. Basic structure has resources to maintain survival. The rings graphically represent the client, etc.
Neuman Model - describe the circles.
Core is the inside, then there are lines of resistance, then the normal line of defense, then the flexible line of defense.
Flexible line of defense - def
forms the outer boundary of the client and protects the normal line of defense. 1st line of defense/buffer.
Normal line of defense - def
the usual state of health. Internal (health behaviors, lifestyle, etc) and external (pollution, altitude).
If a stressor breaks through the flexible line of defense, and comes in contact with the normal line of defense, a reaction will occur within the system. T/F?
reconstitution - revering the…
stress and getting back to normal. If not, it’ll attack the core, then death happens!
Lines of resistance - def
functions as a protective mechanism for the basic structure. Protect’s the basic structure’s integrity.
What are the 5 client variables?
Physiological - bodily structure and function.
Psychological - mental processes and relationships.
Sociocultural - social and cultural influences.
Developmental - life developmental processes.
Spiritual - belief influences.
Neuman - 2nd concept. What is it?
“All internal and external factors or influences surrounding the identified client or client system.” The influence of the client on the environment and the environment on the client may be positive or negative.
Stressors - def
stimuli that produce tensions and have the potential for causing system instability.
Intrapersonal Stressors - def
forces that occur within the client system boundary (like diseases, etc.)
Interpersonal Stressors - def
forces that occur between one or more individuals (things between people, etc.)
Extrapersonal Stressors - def
forces that occur outside the system, but at a greater distance than interpersonal (social policy, financial circumstances, etc.)
Neuman - 3rd Concept
Wellness and Illness are on opposite ends of the continuum. Wellness exists when more energy is built and stored (like a a bank!)
Neuman - 4th Concept
Nursing’s major concern is to keep the client system stable. Accurately assessing the effects and possible effects of the environmental stressors.
Primary Prevention - def
can begin once a stressor is suspected or identified, before a reaction has occurred. RETAIN. Like, education, teaching, nutrition, etc.
Secondary Prevention - def
occurs after the system reacts to a stressor. The focus is on strengthening the internal lines of resistance and protecting the client through treatment of symptoms. This could be like, Chest pain? Take a nitro. Have the flu? Take a med!
Tertiary Prevention - def
occurs after the system has been treated through secondary strategies. It may occur at any point after system stability has begun to be reestablished. Maintain wellness. This is like physical therapy/therapy in general.