Stomach Path I Flashcards
parietal cells
HCl and IF
chief cells
protelytic enzymes
stomach ulceration
smooth border - better
rough border - likely malignant
acute gastritis
acute mucosa inflammation
-neutros present - w/ or w/out ulceration
acute hemorrhagic gastritis
erosive with bleeding
- with NSAIDs, aspirin
- alcoholic
- heavy smoker
- stress
stress ulcer
tx with PPIs
-pt with shock, burns, sepsis, trauma, critically ill
curling - burns/trauma
cushings - intracranial bleed
stressed situation
-not an ulcer
h. pyloric
inhibition of gastric bicarb transporters
curling ulcer
severe stress situations
-burns, trauma, sepsis, etc.
cushing ulcer
intracranial injury - disrupted vagal activity
chronic gastritis
presence of chronic mucosal inflammatory changes
-atrophy and metaplasia
majority - h. pylori infection
autoimmune - pernicious anemia - < 10%
also with drugs, alcoholi, toxins
giemsa and steiner silver stain
h. pylori
toxin of h. pyloric - may be involved in ulcer or cancer development
chronic inflammation of antrum
almost always h. pylori
increased acid production
entire stomach chronic inflammation
alcohol, smoking, etc.
h. pylori virulence
1 flagella
2 urease
3 adhesins
4 toxins - CagA
duodenal ulcers
increased risk with h pylori chronic gastritis
active chronic gastritis
-hallmark of ongoing h. pylori infection
swallow urea with carbon-14 tag - do breath test
if positive - h. pylori
-takes up C-14 and CO2 given off has this tagged carbon
mucosal atrophy in chronic gastritis
marker for increased cancer risk