STD Overview Flashcards
Which STDs can cause genital ulcers?
HSV-2 and 1
Primary Syphillis: Trepenoma Pallidum
LGV: Chlamydia Trachomatis L1-L3
Chancroid: Haemophilis ducreyi
What causes primary syphillis?
Treponema pallidum
LGV stands for
Lymphogranulocytic venerium
What is the main way we diagnose a herpes infection?
Blood PCR test….this is wrong in the handout
See notes for treatment stuff
Recurrent cold sores always in same spot. Why
Because that’s the area served by the neuron which the HSV lays latent in.
Treponema pallidum
What is the structure of treponema pallidum
Primary syphillis characterized by
Secondary syphillis characterized by
Maculopapular rash
Tertiary syphillis characterized by
Granulomas called Gummas, dementia, aortic aneurysm
DOC for syphillis
Syphillis chancres are:
painless whereas HSV is painful
Lesions on palms and soles
Secondary syphillis ( or RMSF or hand foot mouth dz) these are the only options
Caused by chlamydia trachomatis L1-3
LGV presentation
Swollen inguinal glands around the site
Chancroid looks like —–, but is ———
syphillis, painful
Is there a prodrome associated with herpes?
yes. can be. Can see fever and headaches before it occurs
How can you visualize treponema palidum under the microscope without using antibodies?
Darkfield microscopy
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae microbiological characteristics
Oxidase +, gram negative diplococcus (kidney beans)
Neisseria Gonorrhaeae is resistant to permanent immunity due to?
antigenic variation