Female Anatomy Flashcards
The suspensory ligament of the ovary contains what
Ovarian artery, vein, nerve supply
What is another name for the suspensory ligament of the of the ovary?
Infundibulopelvic ligament (IPL)
How should you think of the location of the Suspensory ligament of the ovary or the IPL
It basically runs lateral from the ovary. It is lateral to the ureter at the pelvid brim
Ovarian ligament?
Runs medial, connects the inferior pole of the ovary to the lateral uterus
The ovaria fossa is bounded anteriolaterally by what?
anterior illiac vessels
Ovaria fossa bounded posteromedially by the
When performing an oophorectome, what must you be careful of regarding the ureter?
Don’t cut it, remember that it lies at the medial boundary of the ovarian fossa
Primary blood supply to the oary comes from
Ovarian artery through suspensory ligament
Remember, however, that ovarian blood supply is anasthamotic meaning that there are multiple sources. Another is…
uterine arteries….when performing an oopherectomy, you will need to ligate both the uterine artery and the ovarian artery
What does water under the bridge mean?
Ureters are posterior to the uterine artery
Uterine tubes run through which part of the broad ligament?
What do you call the trumpet shaped end of the uterine tube near the ovary>
Infundibulum…this curves around the superior pole of the ovary
Infundibulum contains small finger like projections called?
What do fimbriae do?
help in trapping the ovum and sweeping it into the uterine tube
Which part of the uterine tube is directly medial to the ovary?
Ampulla- where conception usually occurs
Uterine tubes are common sites of ectopic pregnancy
Broad ligament
sheet like fold of peritoneum with anterior and posterior layers. Spans from lateral pelvic wall to the uterus. Three parts: 1) Mesometrium 2) Mesosalpinx 3) mesovarium
Mesometrium is
Pretty much the largest part. It extends from the lateral pelvic wall to the uterus
Mesosalpinx is
Most superior part of broad ligament, suspends the uterine tube in the pelvic cavity
A posterior extension that attaches to the ovary
Uterus is located between the urinary bladder anteriorly and the rectum posteriorly
It consists of five parts: Fundus, Uterine cavity, Isthmus, Cervix, etc…
Uterine opening of the cervix is called
internal os
Vaginal opening of the cervix is called
external os
What is the pouch of douglas?
Rectouterine pouch- formed between the posterior wall of the uterus and the rectum. Lowest point in the abdomino pelvic cavity and therefore is a common site of fluid collection and infection. It is also at risk of perforation during procedures that use a vaginal approach.
Blood supply to the uterus is primarily from what artery
Uterine, runs with the cardinal ligament just at the base of the broad ligament. WATCH FOR URETER
Position of the uterus
anteverted and anteflexed. Basically, it kinda lays on top pf the bladder.
What does the angle of anteflexion refer to?
Basically measures the bend in the uterus. It is the angle between the axis of the cervical opening and the axis of the uterine body.
Angle of anteversion
angle between the axis of the cervix and the angle of the axis of the vagianl canal
Abnormally positioned uterus may contribute to infertility, pregnancy complications, and tendency towards prolaps
Support for the female internal genitalia include
bladder, rectum, pelciv and urogenital diaphragms, perineal body, transverse cervical, pubovesical, uterosacral, and round ligaments.
Pretty much a herniation of the bladder
herniation of bowel (colon)
herneation of rectum
all of these celes can impede vaginal function/ childbirth
open communication between vagina and bladder,
Body of clitoris formed by
Right and left cavernosa
Clitoral root is attached to two muscles
bulbuspongiosus muscle, extends from the perineal body to surround the orifice of the vagina and cover the vestibular bulbs. It’s function is to reduce the size of the vaginl orifice and compress the deep dorsal vein of the clitoris assisting in maintaining erection.
and Ischiocavernosus muscle
Bartholin’s glands
located just posterior to each half of the bulb of the vestibule. Secrete clear mucous to lubricate the vulva during sexual excitation.
Which arteries are responsible for erection of the clitoris?
deep arteries of the clitoris…they supply the corpora cavernosa
sensory innervation to the clitoris via what nerve
dorsal nerve of the clitoris
Pelvic diaphragm consists of two muscles, they are
Levator Ani and cocygeus
UG diaphragm stretches between the ischipubic rami and is exterior to the pelvic diaphragm
The inferior surface of the UG diaphragm is covered with dense fibrous fascia called
the fascia of the UG diaphragm
Options for regional anesthesia during birth
1) spinal nerve block at L3/L4 = paresthesia from waist down
2) Caudal epidural- anesthesia administered to the epidural space via an indwelling catheter to bathe the S2-S4 roots. Lower limbs usually not affected.
3) Pudendal nerve block- S2-S4 block
True obstetrical conjugate
minimum anterior to posterior diameter of the lesser pelvis as measured between the sacral promontory and the pubic symphysis.
Since the true obstetrical conjugate cannot be measured easily, the diagonal conjugate substitutes.
should be 11cm or greater or you probably need to do a C-section