Nichols OB1 Flashcards
Temporary organ connecting fetus and mother providing the equivalent of respiratory and renal services
Plate shaped tissue under part of the amniotic sac containing fetal blood vessels that branch into villi projecting projecting into space filled with maternal blood.
So basically, the ftal blood vessels branch into these villi which get into this pool of maternal blood. The area that these blood vessels come from is called the chorion
outer layer of blastocyst that implants in the uterus and forms placenta
outer layer of placenta that normally peels off myometrium and sheds placenta.
In the first trimester, the chorionic villi are covered by a double layer of cells, the inner cytotrophoblast and the outer syncytiotrophoblast. As the pregnancy moves along, these villi will include more fetal blood vessels, be ceovered by less interstitium, and have a thinner trophoblast covering
What is the most common pathogenesis of an ectopic pregnancy?
scarring from previous infection of the tube
May also be due to adhesions from apendicitis
spontaneous abortion
loss before 20 weeks
First trimester pregnancy loss usually due to
Second trimester pregnancy loss due to
Third trimester preg loss due to
vascular complications
Recurrent spontaneous abortion often due to
immunologic factors….especially antiphospholipid syndrome
Placenta Previa
implantation low in the uterus….often results in severe bleeding, may result in placental rupture, bleeding and death
Placenta Acreta
when the placenta attaches to the myometrium
Placenta Increta
Placenta penetrates myometrium
Placenta percreta
through uterine wall….KNOW that all of these conditions are caused by defective decidua
Hydatidiform mole
Abnormal gestation caused by two sperm penetrating one egg or one/two sperm penetrating an empty egg
Complete moles are
Partial moles are triploid
Dx of hydatidiform mole
abnormally high bHCG
Tx of Hydatidiform mole
Dand C
Placental infections
TORCH T- toxoplasma O- other....syphillis, HIV, R- Rubella C- cytomegalovirus H- Herpes
These all spread hematogenously
Finish….start at chorioamnionits