Female Anatomical Abnormalities Flashcards
Pelvic organs are vascularized by what?
Internal Illiac Artery (anterior branch)
Male sex organs come from which duct?
Wolfian duct….also known as the Mesonephric duct
Female sex organs come from which duct
Mullerian….also known as the Paramesonephric duct
Canalization of the female sex organs (vagina, uterus) goes caudal to cranial
Canalization is complete at what point in fetal development?
20 weeks
What makes the Wolfian duct develop instead of the Mullerian?
Androgens….testosterone and DHT (two main hormones). Females experience much less androgen formation
Know this. Females don’t have hormones that make the wolfian ducts disappear, its just the absence of Androgens. Males do have anti-mullerian hormone produced by the sertoli cells. Called AMH.
ok. So if a gonad doesn’t produce androgen, external genitalia appear female by default.
Are Mullerian anomalies genetic?
No. You will not see any mutations on Karyotype. However, it does tend to run in families.
Know the Mullerian abnormalities slide
Vaginal agenesis
no vagina
cervical agenesis
no cervix
Fundal agenesis
no uterus pretty much
Tubal agenesis
No tubes
Unicornuate uterus =
uterus formed by only one of the mullerian ducts
Pretty much the two mullerian ducts don’t fuse. You end up with two separate cervices, two separate vaginas in many cases.
Bicornuate uterus
the outer contour of the uterus is the same shape as the inner contour. Basically the two ducts don’t fuse properly and instead of having one large uterine cavity you have two smaller cavities
Septate uterus
Looks similar to bicornuate except that the outer contour of the uterus is completel normal. Inner contour has a septum
Know the difference between a septate and arcuate uterus
DES drug related uterine anomaly.
What do you call the division point between the upper 2/3 of vagina ( Mullerian duct) and lower 1/3 of vagina (UG sinus)
Hyman ring
What gene on the Y chromosome produces testis determining factor?
SRY gene
SRY gene produces what
testis determining factor
What produces mullerian inhibiting factor
sertoli cells
What secretes androgens to encourage the development of the mesonephric (wolfian) ducts
Leydig cells
Mullerian duct abnormalities tend to result in what?
anatomical defects that present as amenorrhea despite the fully developed secondary sex organs
Mesonephric duct (wolfian) forms what structures in particular?
SEED, Seminal vesicles, Epididymis, Ejaculatory Duct, Ductus Deferens
MRKH Syndrome
Complete ageneisis of sexual organs that derive from mullerian ducts. The woman will have ovaries, but she will not have tubes, uterius, cervix, or upper 2/3 of vagina. Rectum is totally attached to posteror bladder
Androgen insensitivity?
AI— male karyotype but they had no sensitivity to androgen so they default produced female genitalia. They do have testis however which means they have sertoli cells and leydig cells. Sertoli cells make MIF so the mullerian ducts don’t develop. They only have external female genitalia. Really complicated huh
Major consequence of Bicornuate uterus
preterm delivery
Major consequence of Septate uterus
infertility, pregnancy loss
Uterine myoma
fibrous balls that can mimic septum