Stanza 5, Lines 37-48 Flashcards
absum abesse āfuī āfutūrus
to be absent, be distant
toward, to; for the purpose or benefit of ; to suit (+ acc.)
Bacchus –ī m.
canticum –ī n
a musical monologue, recitative, monody; magical incantation
cēdō cēdere cessī cessum
to go, move; yield; withdraw
Cerēs Cereris f.
wheat; Ceres
chorus –ī m.
a dance in a circle; a dance; a company of singers or dancers, choir, train; band, troop; festival
compar comparis
similar; equal; (masc. or fem. as subst. mate, husband, wife)
congrex –gregis
of the same herd or flock; collected in flocks (gen); close, intimate
corōna corōnae f.
garland; crown, wreath; a circle of spectators
decet decēre decuīt
adorn, become, grace; be proper, be right; (impers.) it is fitting (to)
Dēlia –ae f.
Delia, the goddess from the island of Delos, Diana
dētineō –ēre –uī –tentus
to hold from or back; hold, detain (> de and teneo)
deus deī m.
dūcō dūcere dūxī ductus
to lead; consider; draw out, pull out; lead off for punishment
ferīnus –a –um
of wild beasts; of game; of animals; subst., ferina (> sc. caro, flesh), ae, f., flesh, game, venison (> ferus)
flectō flectere flēxī flexus
to bend, curve, bow; turn, curl; persuade, prevail on, soften
flōreō flōrēre flōruī
to flourish, blossom, be prosperous; be in one’s prime
flōs flōris m.
flower, bloom
incruentus –a –um
without bloodshed
mittō mittere mīsī missus
to send; release, let go; omit, leave off (+ inf.)
through (+ acc.)
pervigilō pervigilāre pervigilāvī pervigilātus
to keep vigil
poēta poētae m.
pudīcus –a –um
bashful, modest, chaste, pure, virtuous
recēdō recēdere recessī recessum
to step back, recoil, recede, withdraw
rēgnō rēgnāre rēgnāvī rēgnātus
to rule, reign
rēs reī f.
thing; property; matter, affair; activity; situation; rēs novae: revolution; rēs gestae: deeds, achievements (esp. in a memoir, etc.)
rigeō –ēre
to be stiff, stiffen
rogō rogāre rogāvī rogātus
to ask (for)
saltus saltūs m.
pasture, ravine
silva silvae f.
wood, forest
strāgēs –is f.
slaughter, havoc, carnage; edere stragem, to make havoc (cf. sterno)
trēs tria
tū tuī tibi tē tē
tuus –a –um
your, yours
ūnus –a –um
1, alone; single
veniō venīre vēnī ventum
to come
Venus –eris f.
Venus, goddess of love and beauty, identified by the Romans with Aphrodite, daughter of Jupiter and Dione; (meton.), love, lust
videō vidēre vidī vīsus
to see; (passive) be seen, seem
volō velle voluī
to be willing, want, wish; mean, signify