Odes 1.13 Cum tu, Lydia Flashcards
further, more, in addition
arguō arguere arguī argūtus
to prove, argue, allege; disclose; accuse, complain of, charge, blame, convict
barbarus –a –um
foreign, barbarous, savage
bīlis –is f. (abl. sg. –ī or –e)
bile; anger, wrath, choler, ire, displeasure, indignation
cēreus –a –um
waxen (> cera)
certus –a –um
sure, certain, reliable; fixed, settled, firm; trusty, reliable; resolved, determined; particular, individual
cervīx cervīcis f.
neck, nape; severed head/neck
cito citius (comp.) citissime (superl.)
color colōris m.
color; shade, quality (of style or diction)
cōpula –ae f
a band, rope, thong, tie, fastening
dēns dentis m.
difficilis difficile
dīvellō –ere –vellī –vulsus
to tear asunder; tear in pieces; tear away; separate, scatter (others, drive away); loosen, uncoil
fēlīx fēlīcis
fortunate, happy
ferveō fervēre ferbuī or fervō fervere fervī
to boil; (fig.), to blaze, be bright; flash; glow; stir, be alive, teeming; move, speed on; rage
furō furere
to rage, be mad
gena –ae f.
iecur –oris or iecinoris n.
the liver
imbuō –ere –uī –ūtus
to drench; permeate; wet, moisten; stain
immodicus –a –um
beyond bounds, beyond measure, excessive, unrestrained, unruly, immoderate
imprimō –primere –pressī –pressum
to apply with pressure, press onto, imprint
irruptus –a –um
unbroken, unsevered
labrum –ī n.
a lip
laedō laedere laesī laesus
to strike; hurt, injure, wound; offend, annoy
lentus –a –um
pliant, flexible, tough, tenacious, sticky; slow
mācerō mācerāre –āvī –ātum
to make soft, make tender, soften, soak, steep, macerate
malus –a –um
bad, evil; unfavorable; (of battles) unsuccessful
memor memoris
remembering; mindful (of, + gen.), grateful; unforgetting, commemorative
nectar –aris n.
nectar, the drink of the gods; honey
nota notae f.
mark, note, label
ōsculum –ī n.
penitus or penitē
inwardly, internally, entirely
perpetuus –a –um
continuous, uninterrupted, whole; perpetual, lasting; everlasting; in perpetuum: for the whole course of a given period, for the duration of one’s life
querimōnia querimōniae f.
complaint, protest
quīnque; quīntus –a –um
5; 5th
rixa –ae f.
quarrel, brawl
roseus –a –um
solvō solvere solvī solūtus
to loosen; pay, free, release; dissolve; (of ships) cast off, set sail
suprēmus –a –um
highest; endmost; last (in time), final
Tēlephus (Tēlephos) –ī m.
Telephus, king of Mysia wounded by Achilles
teneō tenēre tenuī tentus
to hold, grasp; keep possess; occupy
3 times; on 3 occasions
tum or tunc
then, at that time; then, thereupon, afterwards (> tum–ce)
tumeō tumēre tumuī
to swell, puff up
turpō turpāre turpāvī turpātus
to make indecent; to soil, disfigure, defile (> turpis)
ūmor –oris m.
ūrō ūrere ussī ustum
to burn
alas, woe to
Venus –eris f.
Venus, goddess of love and beauty, identified by the Romans with Aphrodite, daughter of Jupiter and Dione; (meton.), love, lust