Odes 1.22 Integer vitae Flashcards
aesculētum –ī n.
a forest of aesculus (a type of oak)
aestīvus –a –um
of or pertaining to summer, summer–like, summer
aestuōsus –a –um
burning hot, glowing
alō alere aluī altus
to feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop
arbor (or arbos) arboris f.
tree; tree trunk; mast; oar; ship; gallows; spearshaft; beam; squid
arcus arcūs m.
bow, arch
āridus –a –um
dry, arid, parched
cantō cantāre cantāvī cantātus
to sing, play
Caucasus –ī m.
the Caucasus, the Caucasian Mountains, between the Caspian and Euxine
Daunias –adis f.
Apulia (Daunus was a legendary king of Apulia)
egeō egēre eguī
to need (+ gen./abl.), lack, want; require, be without
fābulōsus –a –um
famous; mythical
** faciō facere fēcī factus **
to make; do; reckon
Fuscus –a –um
Fuscus (a Roman cognomen)
generō generāre generāvī generātus
to sire, create
gravidus –a –um
heavy; with young, pregnant; (> fig.), pregnant, teeming with (> gravis)
Hydaspēs –is m.
a river of Pakistan and India (modern Jhelum)
inermis inermis inerme
inhospitālis –e
not providing shelter, inhospitable
iter itineris n.
journey; road; passage, path; march [route magnum => forced march]
Iuba –ae m.
Iuba, a Numidian name; esp. a king of Mauretania
Lalagē –ae f.
a (Greek) woman’s name (“Prattler”)
lambō –ere –ī –itus
to lick; of flame, touch, lick
lātus –a –um
broad, wide
locus locī m. or loca locōrum n. pl.
place, region, part; passage (in a piece of writing)
Maurus –a –um
of the Mauri (people of N. Africa), Moorish
mundus mundī m.
world, universe, heavens
for in fact
nebula –ae f.
a cloud; mist, fog
negō negāre negāvī negātus
to deny, refuse; say … Not
nūllus –a –um
not any, no
nūtrīx nūtrīcis f.
pharetra –ae f.
portentum –ī
an omen, portent, prodigy (> portendo)
propinquus –a –um
near, neighboring; related; masc. sb. relatives
pūrus –a –um
pure, clean, unsoiled; free from defilement/taboo/stain; blameless, innocent; chaste, unpolluted by sex; plain/unadulterated; genuine; absolute; refined; clear, free of mist/cloud; ringing (voice); open (land); simple
quālis quāle
what sort of; of which sort, as
recreō recreāre recreāvī recreātum
to restore, revive, refresh, cheer
sagitta sagittae f.
Syrtis –is f.
shoals on the N. African coast between Carthage and Cyrene
terminus –ī m.
a boundary line; limit, end, destiny
where, when; (adv. of place and time; relat.), where; (indefinite), wheresoever; (interrog.), where; (of time), when; whenever; as soon as; in comparison
beyond, further (adv. and prep. +acc.)
vagor –ārī –ātus sum
to wander about; ride to and fro, career about; to be rumored round, spread (> vagus, wandering)
or; either…or; even; (conj.), or implying indifference as to the alternative or choice, or, freq.; even, or whether, and; vel — vel, either — or
venēnō –āre
to poison