Odes 1.2 Iam satis terris Flashcards
- audiō audīre audīvī audītus *
to hear, listen (to)
- dēiciō dēicere dēiēcī deīctum *
to throw down, eject
- haereō haerēre haesī haesus *
to stick to, hang on to
- neglegō neglegere neglēxī neglēctus *
to disregard, neglect, ignore, regard of no consequence; do nothing about; despise
- sinō sinere sīvī situs *
to allow, permit
** rīdeō rīdēre rīsī rīsus **
to laugh at (+ dat.), laugh; ridicule
** agō agere ēgī āctus **
to drive; do; spend, conduct; concern (oneself with a thing); make a proposal (about)
** dīcō dīcere dīxī dictus **
to say, speak, tell
** mālō mālle māluī **
to want more, prefer
** queror querī questus sum **
to complain; protest, grumble, gripe; make formal complaint in court of law
** redeō redīre rediī reditum **
to return, go back; fall back on, revert to
ācer ācris ācre
sharp, keen; fierce
acuō –ere –uī –ūtus
to make pointed; to sharpen, whet; stimulate, provoke; incite, rouse
āles ālitis m.
almus –a –um
giving nourishment; fostering, genial, blessing, blessed, benign; fruitful; gracious, kind, kindly, propitious (> alo)
amiciō –īre –icuī (–ixī) –ictus
to throw around; cover, clothe; surround; veil, cover (> am– and iacio)
amnis amnis m.
river (real/personified), stream; current; (running) water; the river Ocean
amō amāre amāvī amātus
to love
Apollō –inis m.
arx arcis f.
citadel, stronghold, city; height, hilltop; Capitoline hill; defense, refuge
auctor auctōris m.
seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder
augur auguris m. or f.
seer, augur, soothsayer
caelum caelī n.
sky, heaven
candeō candēre –uī
to be of pure whiteness; p., candens, entis, white; at white heat; glowing
carmen carminis n.
a song, poem, verse, oracular response, prophecy, form of incantation, tune, air, lay, strain, note, sound
circumvolō circumvolāre circumvolāvī circumvolātus
to fly around or surround in flying; hover round, swoop round; enshroud, cover
cīvis cīvis m. or f.
clāmor clāmōris
shout, outcry, protest; loud shouting (approval, joy), applause; clamor, noise, din, war–cry, battle–cry; roar (thunder, surf); cry of fear/pain/mourning; wailing
cruentus –a –um
bloody, blood–stained; covered with blood
when; since; although
Cupīdō –inis m.
Cupid (name)
damma –ae f.
a deer, buck, doe, antelope, chamois
dexter dextra dextrum
right, on/to the right hand/side; skillful/dexterous/handy; favorable/fortunate/pretentious; opportune; proper/fitting/suitable
dīrus –a –um
bad omens; curses
for a long time
dīvus (dīus) –a –um
divine; godlike; subst., divus, i, m., a god, freq.; the image of a god; diva, ae, f., a goddess
dux ducis m. or f.
eō īre iī/īvī itum
to go, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass (time); ride; sail
equitō equitāre equitāvī equitātus
to be a horseman; to ride (> eques)
Erycīna –ae f.
Venus, goddess of Mt. Eryx in Sicily
Etruscus –a –um
from Etruria (mod. Tuscany) the region of western Italy north of Rome
expiō –āre –āvī –ātus
to purify
fatīgō fatīgāre fatīgāvī fatīgātus
to tire, wear out
ferrum ferrī n.
iron; sword
figūra figūrae f.
form, shape
fīlius fīliī m.
galea geleae f.
gēns gentis f.
nation, people; clan, family
genus generis n.
descent, origin; race, stock; kind, sort
grandō –inis f.
gravis grave
heavy, deep; important, serious; severe (sluggish, not digesting properly); intense
here, in this place; at this time
hostis hostis m.
(public) enemy
iactō iactāre iactāvī iactātus
to throw away, throw out, throw, jerk about; disturb; boast, discuss
iaculor –ātus sum
to hurl the javelin; to dart; throw, cast, hurl (> iaculum); (also transitive) strike, shoot at
Īlia –ae f.
Ilia, a name assigned by the poets to Rhaea Silvia, the daughter of Numitor
imitor imitārī imitātus sum
to imitate
inīquus –a –um
uneven; inequitable, unjust
intersum –esse –fuī
to be/lie between, be in the midst; be present; take part in; be different; make a difference; (impers.) it makes a difference
inultus –a –um
iocus iocī m.
joke, jest, sport
iuvenis iuvene
youthful, young
iuventūs iuventūtis f.
youth; the age of youth (20–40), young persons; young men, knights
lābor labī lapsus sum
to glide, slip
laetus –a –um
lēvis –e
smooth; slippery; polished
lītus lītoris n.
lūdus lūdī m.
game, play, sport, pastime, entertainment, fun; school, elementary school
māgnus –a –um
large, big; great; vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spacious; great (achievement); mighty; distinguished; skilled; bold/confident; proud; full/complete/utter/pure; intense; loud; at high price; notable/famous; old
Māia –ae f.
Maia, one of the Pleiades or seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione, who became by Jupiter the mother of Mercury
Mēdus –ī m.
a Mede or Persian
less; not so well; not quite
mittō mittere mīsī missus
to send; release, let go; omit, leave off (+ inf.)
monumentum monumentī n.
reminder; memorial, monument, tomb; record, literary work, history, book
natō natāre natāvī natātus
to swim
nepōs nepōtis m.
grandchild, nephew, descendant; spendthrift, playboy
neu or neve
or not, and not; (for negative of imp.) [neve … neve => neither … nor ]
very much; too much; exceedingly
excessively, inordinately
noster nostra nostrum
our, ours
nōtus –a –um
well–known, familiar, notable, famous, esteemed; notorious, of ill–repute
novus –a –um
new, fresh, young; unusual, extraordinary (> novae res, f. pl. = revolution)
nūbēs nūbis f.
ōcior –ius
comp. (superl., ocissimus, a, um), swifter, more fleet; (adv.), ocius, more swiftly; rapidly, speedily, quickly, swiftly
omnis omne
every; all
parēns parentis m. or f.
parent, father, mother
pars, partis, f.
part, share; (in plural) role in a play; office, duty
pater patris m.
pecus pecoris f.
cattle , as a collective, a herd
pedes peditis m.
foot soldier, infantryman; pedestrian, who goes on foot; infantry (pl.)
Persa –ae m.
a Persian or Parthian
piscis piscis m.
rather, more
precor precārī precātus sum
to beg, pray
prex precis f.
prayer, request
prīnceps prīncipis m.
leader/chief, first/leading member/citizen/man; master/expert; founder/proposer Princeps (non–military title of Roman Emperor); senior Senator; leader of pack
probō probāre probāvī probātus
to approve (of), esteem, commend, recommend, certify; give assent/approval/sanction; let; show to be real/true; examine, test, try, prove, demonstrate; get accepted
Prōteus –eī or –eos m.
Proteus, a sea–god who often changed his form; Protei Columnae, the island of Pharos, the boundary of Egypt
pugna pugnae f.
battle, fight
Quirīnus –ī m.
Quirinus, the name of the deified Romulus
where, whither; to what purpose, what for; on account of which, whereby; so that (by these means); in order that
rārus –a –um
wide apart, loose, thin; rare, seldom
rēs reī f.
thing; property; matter, affair; activity; situation; rēs novae: revolution; rēs gestae: deeds, achievements (esp. in a memoir, etc.)
respiciō respicere respexī respectum
to look back, regard, consider; pay attention to
retorqueō –torquēre –torsī –tortum
to twist back, bend back
rīpa rīpae f.
rubeō rubēre rubuī
to be red, be ruddy
ruō ruere ruī rūtum
to rush; fall, collapse
saeculum saeculī n.
age; generation, people born at a time; breed, race; present time/age; century; worldliness; the world; heathenism; time; past/present/future [in ~ => forever]
sanctus –a –um
consecrated, sacred, inviolable; venerable, august, divine, holy, pious, just
satiō satiāre satiāvī satiātum
to satisfy, sate
satis or sat (comp. satius)
enough, sufficiently
scelus sceleris n.
wicked deed, crime, sin; villainy
sēdēs sēdis f.
seat, chair; home, residence; settlement, habitation
sērus –a –um
late, too late
sinister –a –um
left, improper,adverse; inauspicious
suī sibi sē sē
himself, herself, itself (reflexive)
summus –a –um
highest; top (of); last, final
superiaciō –ere –iēcī –iectus
to throw above or over; overcast, overtop
templum templī n.
terreō terrēre terruī territus
to terrify, frigthen
Tiberis –is (Thybris –idis acc. –brim voc. –bri)
the river Tiber
ulmus –ī f.
an elm tree, elm
ultor –ōris m.
avenger, punisher
umerus umerī m.
unda undae f.
urbs urbis f.
uxōrius –a –um
pertaining to a wife; enslaved to one’s wife, uxorious, slave of a wife (> uxor, wife)
vagus –a –um
wandering, roaming, shifting; inconstant, fickle
veniō venīre vēnī ventum
to come
Vesta –ae f.
Vesta, daughter of Saturn, and granddaughter of Vesta, wife of Coelus; goddess of the hearth and household; (meton.), the hearth, the fire
violēns –entis
impetuous, furious, violent
virgō virginis f.
maiden, young woman, girl of marriageable age; virgin
vitium viti(ī) n.
fault, vice, crime, sin; defect
vocō vocāre vocāvī vocātus
to call; summon; name