Propertius 1.2.1-8 Flashcards
artifex –icis m.
an artist
aut; aut…aut
or, either…or
bonum –ī n.
good thing; good; blessing
capillus capillī m.
crēdō crēdere crēdidī crēditus
to trust, believe
crīnis crīnis m.
cultus cultūs m.
cultivation, civilization, dress, mode of life
Cōus –a –um
of the island of Cos, Coan
decus decoris n.
beauty; ornament; glory
iuvō iuvāre iūvī iūtus
to help; please
medicīna –ae f.
the healing art
membrum membrī n.
mercor –ātus sum
to exchange merchandise; traffic
moveō movēre mōvī mōtus
to move
myrra (murra) –ae f.
the myrrh tree; gum of the myrrh tree; myrrh
mūnus mūneris n.
gift; duty; public show (esp. with gladiators)
niteō nitēre nituī
to shine
ōrnō ōrnāre ōrnāvī ōrnātus
to equip, decorate
Orontēus –a –um
of the Orontes (a river in Syria); Syrian
perdō perdere perdidī perditus
to destroy
peregrinus –a –um
perfundō –ere –fūdī –fūsus
to pour over or along; wash
proprius –a –um
one’s own
prōcēdō prōcēdere prōcessī prōcessus
to advance
sinus sinūs m.
fold, pocket, chest
sinō sinere sīvī situs
to allow
tenuis tenue
ūllus –a –um
vendō vendere vendidī venditus
to sell
vestis vestis f.