Propertius 3.1-10 Flashcards
accumbō –cumbere –cubuī –cubitum
to lie down
Andromeda –ae or Andromedē –ēs f.
Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus. She claimed she was prettier than the Nereids, so Poseidon sent a sea monster to ravage the coast, and she was tied to a rock as a sacrifice, but she was rescued by Perseus.
Āpidanus –ī m.
Apidanus, a river in Thessaly
assiduus –a –um
established, steady
Bacchus –ī m.
caput capitis n.
carīna –ae f.
keel; ship
certus –a –um
sure, fixed
chorēa –ae f.
circling dance
concidō concidere concidī
to fall down
Cynthia –ae f.
Cynthia (she of Mt. Cynthus, on the Island of Delos), Artemis; the name of Propertius’ paramour.
cēdō cēdere cessī cessum
to yield
Cēphēus (Cēphēïus) –a –um
descended from Cepheus, king of the Cephenes (in Ethiopia) and father of Andromeda.
cōs cōtis f.
dēsertus –a –um
desolate; abandoned
dūrus –a –um
hard, harsh
ēbrius –a –um
Ēdōnus, a, um
Bacchic (of the Edoni, a tribe on the border of Thrace and Macedonia, famous for Bacchic / Bacchantic orgiastic rituals).
fax facis f.
fessus –a –um
Cnōsius –a –um
Knossos, Cretan. Here an epithet for Ariadne.
herbōsus –a –um
iaceō iacēre iacuī
to lie
now; already
languidus –a –um
līber lībera līberum
lītus lītoris n.
manus manūs f.
hand; band of men
mollis molle
yielding, gentle
multus –a –um
much, many
nītor nītī nīxus sum
to press/lean upon
parum; minus; minimē
too little
quatiō quatere quassī quassum
to shake
quiēs quiētis f.
sleep, rest
quālis quāle
what sort
somnus somnī m.
spīrō spīrāre spīrāvī spīrātus
to breathe
sērus –a –um
(too) late
Thēsēus –a –um
of or belonging to Theseus, Thesean
trahō trahere trāxī tractus
to drag
tālis tāle
vestīgium vestīgi(ī) n.
trace, track
videō vidēre vīdī vīsus
to see