Odes 1.1 Maecenas atavis Flashcards
toward, to; for the purpose or benefit of ; to suit (+ acc.)
Āfricus –ī m.
Africus, the southwest wind
ager agrī m.
aper aprī m.
a wild boar
aqua aquae f.
water; sea, lake; river, stream; rain, rainfall (pl.), rainwater; spa; urine
arbutus –ī f.
the arbutus, or arbute tree; wild strawberry tree, an evergreen prized for its delicate foliage
atavus –ī m
grandfather; forefather, ancestor
Attalicus –a –um
of King Attalus of Pergamum (d. 133 BCE) famous for his wealth; rich, splendid
barbitos –ī m or f. (found only in nom., acc., and voc.)
a lyre (technically a lyre pitched low)
bellum bellī n.
caput capitis n.
head, one’s life; capital punishment
castra castrōrum n. pl.
(military) camp
catulus –ī m.
a young dog; a whelp, the young of wild animals; a cub, whelp
certō certāre certāvī certātus
to vie (with), contest, contend/struggle (at law/politics), dispute; fight, strive
cerva –ae f.
a hind; stag (> cervus)
chorus –ī m.
a dance in a circle; a dance; a company of singers or dancers, choir, train; band, troop; festival
cohibeō –ēre –uī –itus
to hold together, restrain, confine; check, curb, repress (> com– and habeo)
- colligō colligere collēgī collēctus *
to collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up;obtain/acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up
condiciō condiciōnis f.
agreement, contract; terms, proposal, option, alternative; situation; stipulation; marriage (contract); spouse, bride; relation of lover/mistress; paramour
- condō condere condidī conditus *
to put/insert (into); store up/put away, preserve, bottle (wine); bury/inter; sink; build/found, make; shut (eyes); conceal/hide/keep safe; put together, compose; restore; sheathe (sword); plunge/bury (weapon in enemy); put out of sight
coniūnx coniugis f.
spouse, mate, consort; husband, wife, bride, fiancee, intended; concubine; yokemate
curriculum –ī n.
career, course (> curro); chariot, esp. a racing chariot
Cyprius –a –um
of Cyprus, Cypriot
down from, about, concerning; starting at (a point in time)
decus decoris n.
beauty, grace; ornament, glory, honor
dēmō dēmere dēmpsī dēmptus
to remove
dēmoveō –movēre –mōvī –mōtum
to move away, put away, remove, expel, drive out
dētestor dētestārī dētestātus
(perf. participle often passive) curse; detest, loathe; avert by entreaty
doctus –a –um
taught, learned, skilled
dominus dominī m.
master, lord
- ēdō ēdere ēdidī ēditus *
to eject/emit; put/give forth (buds); beget; bear (fruit); display/evince/exhibit; utter solemnly; pronounce/decree (oracle); deliver (message); issue (command); publish; disclose, tell, relate, make known; declare, make formal statement; cause
Euterpē –ēs f.
a Muse (“Delightful”), associated with lyric poetry and the double pipes
- ēvehō –ere –vexī –vectus *
to carry forth; carry up, raise, elevate
ēvītō –āre –āvī –ātum
to avoid, dodge
feriō ferīre
to strike, hit
fidēlis fidēle
faithful/loyal/devoted; true/trustworthy/dependable/reliable; constant/lasting
findō findere fidī fissum
to split apart
fluctus fluctūs m.
wave; disorder; flood, flow, tide, billow, surge; turbulence, commotion
frīgidus –a –um
cold, cool, chilly, frigid; lifeless, indifferent, dull
frōns frōntis f.
forehead, brow; front
- gaudeō gaudēre gāvīsus sum *
to be glad, rejoice
gelidus –a –um
cold, icy
hedera –ae f.
hic haec hoc
this; these
honor or honos honōris m.
honor, respect, glory; (political) office, post; (of personal appearance) dignity, grace
horreum –ī n.
barn, granary
Īcarius –a –um
of Icarus; (= mare) part of the Aegean Sea, between the Cyclades and Asia Minor
ille illa illud
that; those
immemor –oris
unmindful, forgetful
indocilis –e
unteachable; untaught, rude
īnserō īnserere īnseruī īnsertus
to fasten or put in; insert
- iuvō iuvāre iūvī iūtus *
to help, assist, aid, support, serve, further; please, delight, gratify
laudō laudāre laudāvī laudātus
to praise
Lesbōus –a –um
of Lesbos (island of the lyric poets Sappho and Alcaeus)
levis leve
light; trivial; fickle; worthless; light-footed, delicate; powerless; insignificant; easily digested
Libycus –a –um
Libyan; subst., Libycum, i, n., the Libyan or African sea
lituus –ī m.
an augur’s staff or wand; a cornet, trumpet, clarion
luctor –ārī
to wrestle, struggle, strive
lyricus –a –um
of the lyre; lyric
Maecēnas –ātis m.
the cognomen of Gaius Cilnius Maecenas (68-8 BCE), patron of Horace and Vergil
** maneō manēre mānsī mānsus **
to remain, stay; await; abide; wait for; continue, endure, last; spend the night (sexual); lodge, stay
Mārsus –a –um
Marsian (> Marsi, a people of central Italy)
Massicus –a –um
of Mount Massicus, in Campania, Massic, subst., Massica, orum, n. (sc. iuga), the Massic hills (> Massicus); (neuter as subst.) Massic wine
membrum membrī n.
limb, member, part
mercātor –ōris m.
merchant, trader
mēta mētae f.
limit, goal, boundary, turning point
metuō metuere metuī
to fear, dread
meus –a –um
my, mine
- misceō miscēre miscuī mixtus *
to mix; mingle (the object with which is in dat., or in abl. alone, or w. prep.); unite; multiply; assemble, flock together; confuse, disturb, confound, agitate; scatter
soon; then
multī –ōrum m.
subst., many men, many
Myrtōus –a –um
pertaining to part of the Aegean between Crete and Euboea
nauta nautae m.
nemus nemoris n.
grove, forest
nōbilis nōbile
well–known, illustrious, famous (> nosco)
nympha nymphae f.
a bride, mistress, young woman; nymph, demi-goddess inhabiting water or other natural parts
Olympicus –a –um
of the Olympian games, Olympic
oppidum oppidī n.
ōtium ōti(ī) n.
leisure; spare time; holiday; ease/rest/peace/quiet; tranquility/calm; lull
palma palmae f.
hand, palm
pars partis f.
part; portion, share; (in plural) part (in a play), role, duty
patrius –a –um
father’s, paternal; ancestral
pauperiēs –eī f.
narrow or straitened circumstances; poverty (> pauper)
permisceō –ēre –miscuī –mistus (–mixtus)
to mix completely; mix, mingle; (fig.), disturb, confound
plaga –ae f.
a net, hunter’s net; a snare, a trap
pōculum pōculī n.
cup, bowl, drinking vessel; drink/draught; social drinking (pl.); drink
Polyhymnia –ae f.
a Muse (“The one with many hymns”), associated with religious hymns
populus populī m.
(the) people; populace
praemium –(i)ī n.
prize, reward; gift; recompense
praesidium praesidi(ī) n.
guard, protection, security, garrison
proprius –a –um
own, very own; individual; special, particular, characteristic
pulvis pulveris m.
- quatiō quatere quassī quassum *
to shake
Quirīs Quirītis m.
the formal term for a Roman citizen, used particularly in legal situations to emphasize civic rights
but if
ratis ratis f.
raft; (in poetry) a ship
reficiō reficere refēcī refectus
to rebuild, repair, restore
refugiō –ere –fugere –fūgī
to flee back, run away; recoil from
rēx rēgis m.
rota rotae f.
- rumpō rumpere rūpī ruptus *
to break; destroy
rūs rūris n.
sarculum –ī n.
Satyrus –ī m.
a Satyr, forest-god of the train of Bacchus, with goat’s feet
sēcernō sēcernere sēcrēvī sēcrētum
to separate
secō secāre secuī sectum
to cut; cleave a path through (the sea), traverse
if, freq.; causal, if, indeed, since; equivalent to cum; whether
sīdus sīderis n.
star, constellation
solidus –a –um
dense, firm, solid; unbroken, uninterrupted
sonitus –ūs m.
a sounding; noise; roaring; thunder (> sono)
sublīmis sublīme
elevated, lofty, heroic, noble; (of breathing) shallow, panting; with head held high
superus –a –um
above, high; higher, upper, of this world; greatest, last, highest; (masc. pl. as subst.) the gods
suus –a –um
his (own), her (own), its (own); their (own)
- tendō tendere tetendī tentum *
to stretch, extend, direct (one’s steps or course); stretch; (of musical instruments) tighten, tune
tener tenera tenerum
teres –etis
rubbed or rounded off smooth; tapering; polished; well twisted, strong (> tero); close-twisted; delicate
terra terrae f.
land, earth
tībia tībiae f.
the larger of the shinbones; a pipe or flute, as this bone was used for a musical pipe
** tollō tollere sustulī sublātus **
to lift, raise; destroy; remove, steal; take/lift up/away
trabs trabis f.
tree–trunk, beam; (by metonymy) ship
trigeminus –a –um
tuba –ae f.
a trumpet; trumpet–signal
turba turbae f.
commotion, uproar, turmoil, tumult, disturbance; crowd, mob, multitude
vātēs vātis m.
seer, prophet; poet, bard
verrō verrere verrī versum
to sweep; sweep up
vertex verticis m.
whirlpool, eddy; crown of the head; peak, summit