Ode 4.7 Diffugere nives COPY Flashcards
abrumpō abrumpere abrūpī abruptum
to break off, sever
Aenēās –ae m.
aestās aestātis f.
summer; summer heat/weather; a year
introduces an alternative question, or; introduces an Indirect Question, whether, if
Ancus –ī m.
Ancus Martius, the fourth king of Rome
avidus –a –um
greedy, keen
brūma –ae f.
the winter solstice; winter
cārus –a –um
precious; dear (to) (+ dat.)
crāstinus –a –um
pertaining to the morrow; tomorrow’s (> cras, the morrow)
dēcrēscō –crēscere –crēvī –crētum
to grow less, become fewer, decrease, diminish, wane, shrink
Diāna –ae f.
Diana, a goddess of the Italians; ~ Artemis
diffugiō –ere –fūgī
to flee apart; run away, flee
- effundō effundere effūdī effūsus *
to pour out
in fact, indeed; for
fācundia –ae f.
eloquence, fluency, command of language
frūx frūgis f.
fruit, produce, pulse, legumes
geminus –a –um
Hippolytus –ī m.
Hippolytus, son of Theseus and Hippolyte
hodiernus –a –um
of today, today’s
immortālis immortālis immortāle
immortal, not subject to death; eternal, everlasting, perpetual; imperishable
īnfernus –a –um
that which is below; of Hades, infernal (> inferus)
intereō interīre interīvī/interiī interitus
to perish, die; be ruined; cease
Lēthaeus –a –um
of Lethe, the river of forgetfulness in Hades; oblivious, Lethean
līberō līberāre līberāvī līberātus
to free, liberate
manus manūs f.
hand; band, troop; in manibus: in hands, i.e. published; manūs dare: surrender
Mīnōs –ōis m.
Minos, king of Crete, son of Jupiter and Europa, grandfather of Minos, the husband of Pasiphae, one of the judges of Hades
mītēscō –ere
to become mellow; to become mild, gentle, peaceful (> mitis)
moneō monēre monuī monitus
to warn; remind; advise
** occidō occidere occidī occāsus **
to go down; set; fall, perish; die (> ob and cado)
Pīrithous –ī m.
Pirithous, son of Ixion and king of the Lapithae, chained in Hades for attempting, with the aid of Theseus, to carry away Proserpina from the abode of Pluto
pōmifer –fera –ferum
fruit-bearing, fruit-bringing
praetereō praeterīre praeterīvī/praeteriī praeteritus
to pass/go by; disregard/neglect/omit/miss; surpass/excel; go overdue; pass over
recurrō –ere –currī –cursus
to run back; return, revolve
restituō restituere restituī restitūtus
to restore; revive; bring back; make good
tenebrae tenebrārum f. pl.
Thēseus –ī m.
Torquātus –ī m.
Torquatus, a Roman cognomen, esp. Titus Manlius, who wore the collar or torques of a Gallic champion whom he had slain in single combat (> torques)
Tullus –ī m.
Tullus Hostilius, the third king of Rome
umbra umbrae f.
shadow, shade
vinculum vinculī n.
chain, bond, fetter; imprisonment (pl.)