Odes 1.4 Solvitur acris hiems Flashcards
aequus –a –um
level, even; equitable, just; calm, tranquil; equal to; suitable to
agna agnae f.
albicō –āre –āvī –ātus
to have a whitish tinge
alternus –a –um
one after the other; alternating; by turns, in succession; every second (> alter)
arātor –ōris m.
ārdeō ārdēre ārsī ārsum
to burn, glow
beātus –a –um
happy; blessed, prosperous, fortunate
caleō –ēre –uī
to be warm; to glow
cānus –a –um
white, of the hair and beard; whitened, hoary, of frost and cold; of the sea, foaming, hoary; gray–haired, venerable; hoary
carīna –ae f.
keel; ship
Cyclōps –ōpis m.
a Cyclops, one of the Cyclopes, fabulous giants of Sicily, supposed to have a round eye in the middle of the forehead
Cytherēus –a –um
of Cytherea (Aegean island sacred to Venus)
- decet decēre decuīt *
adorn, become, grace; be proper, be right; (impers.) it is fitting (to)
domus domī f.
house, home
** dūcō dūcere dūxī ductus **
to lead; consider; draw out, pull out; lead off for punishment
exīlis –e
strict, narrow, thin, slender, lank, small, meagre, poor
fābula fābulae f.
story, tale, fable; play, drama; [fabulae! => rubbish!, nonsense!]
Faunus –ī m.
Faunus, the tutelary god of husbandmen, identified by the Romans with the Greek Pan (> faveo); (in pl.) country deities, identified with (Greek) Satyrs
Favōnius –iī m.
the west wind, zephyr
** ferō ferre tulī lātus **
to bring, bear, carry; endure; report (feritur it is said; ferunt they say)
flōs flōris m.
flower, bloom
grātia grātiae f.
favor, kindness; gratitude, thanks; one of the three Graces
haedus –ī m.
a young goat, kid
immineō imminēre
to threaten, be a threat (to); overhang, be imminent (+ dat.)
immolō immolāre immolāvī immolātus
to sprinkle the sacred meal upon the victim; to immolate, sacrifice; kill (> in– and mola)
impediō impedīre impedīvī/impediī impedītus
to hinder, impede
incohō –āre –āvī –ātum
to start work on, begin
iungō iungere iūnxī iūnctus
to join, unite; bring together, clasp (hands); connect, yoke, harness
lūcus lūcī m.
grove, wood
lūna lūnae f.
Lycidas –ae m.
Lycidas, the name of a shepherd
māchina māchinae f.
device, machine; scaffolding; winch, windlass
mānēs –ium m. pl
ghosts, the Underworld
meō meāre
to go, pass
mīror mīrārī mīrātus sum
to wonder at, be astonished
myrtum (murtum) –ī n.
the fruit of a myrtle; myrtle berry
nitidus –a –um
shining, bright, glittering (> niteo)
nōs nostrum/nostrī
we; us
officīna –ae f.
pallidus –a –um
pale, pallid; ghastly (> palleo)
pauper pauperis m.
poor man
Plūtōnius –a –um
of Pluto, of the underworld
poscō poscere poposcī
to ask, demand
prātum prātī n.
meadow; field, plain
** premō premere pressī pressus **
to press (hard); overpower; check; (of males) have sex with; check, prune; suppress the publication of
pruīna –ae f.
frost, snow, hoar-frost
rēgnum rēgnī n.
royal power; power; control; kingdom
Sestius –a –um
Sestius (name); name of a Roman gens
siccus –a –um
sortior –ītus sum
to cast lots; obtain, get, take by lot; share; distribute; assign, allot, appoint; select, choose (> sors)
stabulum –ī n.
stable, stall; inn, lodging house; brothel; a shepherd’s dwelling, grange; den, haunt; cattle–camp (> sto)
summa summae f.
peak, summit; sum (of money), sum-total
taberna tabernae f.
hut, cabin, cottage; tavern, inn, shop
tālus –ī m.
anklebone; ankle; knuckle-bone (counter used in gaming)
tepeō –ēre
to be moderately warm; to reek
trahō trahere trāxī tractus
to draw, drag, haul; derive, get
turris turris f.
tower; high building, palace, citadel; dove tower, dove cot
umbrōsus –a –um
shady; dark, shadowy (> umbra)
vetō vetāre vetuī vetitus
to forbid
vicis vicis f.
turn, change, interchange, alternation, succession, vicissitude; (in abl.) in place of (+ gen.)
vīta vītae f.
Vulcānus –ī m.
Vulcan, the god of fire and of the forge