STAINS_Comments Flashcards
: essential component of Schiff reagent
Basic fuchsin
Method of choice for glycogen staining
PAS w/ diastase ctrl
Selective & highly specific for glycogen
Nest carmine
Obsolete Not specific for glycogen
Langhan’s iodine
Avoid celloidinization of slides
Alcian blue
Avoid Ehrlich’s hematoxylin
Alcian blue PAS
Mucicarmine stain
Acridine orange Lasts for only
2 hrs
Most commonly used stain
Sudan IV (Scharlach R)
: preliminary indicator of the type of lipid present
Nile blue
Nile blue sulfate
(dissol. neutral lipids)
(reacts w/ PL and FFA)
-Red oxazone
-Blue oxazone
stains basic groups in tissues
Alkaline Fast green
Sakaguchi Uses_____ reagent
Substrate: β-glyceroPO4
Gomori lead
Substrate: β-glyceroPO4
Gomori lead
Substrate: β-glyceroPO4
Gomori lead
For skel. muscle biopsies
Metal ppt
Calcium cobalt method
Most reliable & specific histochemical staining technique for DNA
Contains Schiff’s reagent
Feulgen technique
Reticulin = Argyrophilic (silver stain)
Gomori’s silver impregnation stain
Van Gieson’s stain
acid fuchsin & picric acid
(-) Fuchsin: Excellent & colorful method of demonstrating CT fibers
Mallory’s aniline blue
Heidenhain’s modification of Mallory’s aniline blue stain
Early fibrin =
Old fibrin =
Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
Bodian’s stain
Nissl granules: a.k.a. Tigroid substances
Cresyl fast violet
Depend on the oxidation of the pigment to green biliverdin by iodine
Stein’s iodine test
: melanin reduces ammoniacal silver solutions w/o use of a reducer
Argentaffin reaction
Recommended for blood and BM parasites, inclusion conjunctivitis, Toxoplasma, spirochetes & other bacteria
Giemsa stain