SS Test #1 Flashcards
What are the four parts of Global Studies?
History, geography, economics, political science
What is history?
The knowledge of the past, and understanding it will affect the future
Primary sources
Firsthand accounts of history journals, diaries, and autobiographies
Secondary sources
Information created after the event has occurred textbooks and biographies
Culture Diffusion
The movement of ideas and culture from one group to another
The dependence of countries on each other for development
What is political science?
Study of the structure, activity, and behavior of government
Totalitarian government
Government that creates laws to maintain their own power. They do not consider the needs of the people in their decisions. The population has no real input into the functions of government
Government creates laws that reflect the will of the people, and the government changes the will of their population
Direct democracy
Every person has a say in every matter
People votes representatives into power to run the government
What is economics?
Study of resources and how they affect people and cultures in their development. The idea of scarcity is the number or amount of resources found in an area
Traditional economy
No money exchanged. Bartering (trading) of goods and services. Labor intensive, very little surplus produced.
Market economy. Supply and demand. people produce goods, that meet the demand of the population..
Command Economy, the government sets the amount of goods made, and their price. Also known as communism. No individual ownership.
Mixed Economy
When capitalism and socialism are combined and used in a country.
What are the four types of resources?
Natural, human, capital and information
Naural resources
Land, water, trees, coal oil. These are not man-made, and usually non-renewable
Labor, abilities, and talents of the population
Machines and tools that make work easier: money is an example
Knowledge, books, collective understanding
Group of islands with shared cultural identity
Narrow piece of land that connects to larger pieces of land
Body of fresh water surrounded land
Evaluated land that’s flat at it’s peak
A smaller body of water that connects two larger bodies of water
Large area of flat grassy land lacking of trees
Bodies of water surrounded by land on all sides but one (good for trade)
Evaluated land that ends at a peak, very rocky and tend to be taller than hills
Evaluated land that is rounded and tends to have vegetation
Political Map
Borders of the countries, capital cities, and major cities
Physical Map
Elevations of land above sea level
Population Map
Show the population density of a given area
Environment/climate map
Shows the average daily weather and ecosystem of an area
Economy Map
Shows the major economic work of a region or area
The belief, tradition, language and norms shared by a group of people
Customs and traditions
Unwritten rules of culture
Judging one culture by your own culture’s standards
Believing that one culture/group is naturally superior to another group
Geography Theme 1
Location - latitude and longitude, used to find a specific place on Earth
Geography Theme 2
Place - description of an area that has similar characteristics
Geography Theme 3
Region - larger areas on earth with similar physical characteristics, languages and cultures
Geography Theme 4
Interaction between people and their environment - people either change their environment to fit their needs or adapt to the environment they live in
Geography Theme 5
- Cultural diffusion: the movement of ideas and culture from one group to another
- Interdependence: The dependence of countries on each other for development