SS Pop Quiz 6/6 Flashcards
What was Booker T. Washington born into
When did Booker T. Washington become free
After the Civil War
What did Booker T. Washington believe?
He believed in black people learning a skill
What did Booker T. Washington say?
Equality is like fingers on a hand: they can be separate but part of the same hand
What are three ways to describe Booker T. Washington?
Perseverant, patient, and a realist
What is Booker T. Washington ok with that some people are against?
Waiting for equality and being patient
Why did some black people criticize Booker T. Washington?
He’s too slow and is accepting a certain level of racism. They think that they will have to wait forever
What kind of family was WEB Du Bois born into?
A wealthy, black, Massachusetts family
Was WEB Du Bois well educated?
Yes, he went to some of the best schools, including Harvard
Who left the US because he was upset with society?
WEB Du Bois
How can you describe WEB Du Bois and why?
Impatient, because he is demanding equality right now!
What does WEB Du Bois claim?
He claims that laws have been passed establishing Freedom & Civil Rights - so they should claim those rights
Where is Marcus Garvey from?
He is a Jamaican political activist
What is Marcus Garvey the Founder and President-General of?
UNIA (Universal Negro
Improvement Association since 1914
What did Marcus Garvey try to create?
Pride in being black
What is Marcus Garvey famous for?
The Back to Africa Movement
Why does Marcus Garvey want people to leave America?
- Doesn’t want to be where they aren’t wanted
- Wanted to give the racist people what they wanted
- Didn’t want to feel less than
- Believed black people needed to be financially independent from white-dominated societies
- Does not have faith in the American people
When did people start to know who Martin Luther King Jr. Is?
At the Montgomery Bus Boycott triggered by Rosa Parks
Who did Martin Luther King Jr. study?
Gandhi, copied her ideas
Who was Gandhi?
Someone who fought for colonialism and for freedom of India to not be a colony of England
What did Gandhi believe?
Non violent protest is the best approach, if someone beats you up don’t fight back
Civil disobedience
Knowingly breaking the law because it’s immoral
13th Amendment
1865 - banned slavery
14th Amendment
1868 - Born on US soil = citizenship, deserves equal protection under the law
15th Amendment
1870 - black men can vote (women left out)
Dred Scott Case
1857 - slaves are property, African Americans do not have rights
Plessy Vs Ferguson
1896 - Made “Jim Crow” segregation legal, lasts until 1960s
Brown vs the Board of Education
1954 - integrates public schools and overturns Plessy Vs Ferguson