Speeds, ESRs & TSRs Flashcards
Where are permissible speeds found?
Sectional Appendix
When can you accelerate to a higher speed when coming from a lower speed section?
When the whole train has left the previous section. Train must be doing any lower speed at the speed board.
Which of Hull’s fleet are HST?
158 & 170
Which of Hull’s fleet are DMUs?
150, 155, 158, 170
Which of Hull’s fleet are SP?
150, 155, 158 & 170
What is the purpose of a permissible speed indicator?
Shows start of new speed. Round with red edge and speed in centre.
Oval in limited clearance and can have arrows if applying to a junction.
What is the purpose of an acceleration indicator and where might these be seen?
In association with a permissible speed indicator. These show the point at which you can accelerate to the speed shown when the train passes the sign (full train doesn’t need to have left the previous section).
What is the purpose of a differential permissible speed indicator?
Top figure= all other trains
Bottom figure= Passenger, postal, parcel and light locomotives (loaded/unloaded)
What is the purpose of a permissible speed indicator with letters?
To show where a permissible speed only applies to trains shown by the letters.
What are your actions if letters are shown on a permissible speed indicator and your train falls into that category but isn’t capable of reaching that speed?
Travel at the maximum speed of your train.
What is the purpose of warning indicators?
Warns of drops in speed when the initial speed is 60mph or more and there is at least 1/3 reduction in speed.
Where are warning indicators placed in relation to the new speed that they are warning about?
Service braking distance away
What is located before a warning indicator?
AWS magnet 180m before the warning indicator.
What is sometimes located after a warning indicator and before the new speed commences?
TPWS overspeed loops.
What are your actions when travelling over a TSR?
Control speed of train to that on warning board and maintain this speed until the full train passes the termination board. You may then accelerate to the normal permissible speed.
What signage is used in TSRs?
Warning boards (2x dots) before the TSR to warn of the upcoming speed
Speed indicator to signify the start of the restriction and the permitted speed
Termination indicator to signify the end of the restriction. You must not accelerate until the full train is past this board.
Acceleration Indicator to signify the end of the restriction and allow acceleration to permissible speed when the front of the train passes the sign.
SPATE indicator- speed previously advised terminated early. This shows that the TSR has been withdrawn or will not be imposed.
Temporary AWS cancelling indicator to show where an AWS warning applies to trains travelling in the opposite direction only.
How far are warning boards and commencement boards apart?
Service braking distance
Which signs have AWS warnings before them?
Warning boards- AWS magnet 180m before the warning board
Draw and explain normal TSR arrangements
Portable AWS 180m from warning board
Warning board SBD from speed indicator
Termination indicator at end of TSR
Draw and explain TSR arrangements where there is a fixed AWS magnet
If magnet already associated with something else, warning board is at signal and electromagnet disconnected so you will always receive horn.
Warning board never placed between fixed magnet and related equipment
Portable magnet used if warning board not at the signal.
Draw and explain TSR arrangements on a single and bi-directional line?
Normal TSR arrangements but in both directions with addition of Temporary AWS cancelling indicator 180m beyond AWS magnet (confirms warning doesn’t apply to you but trains in wrong direction).
Draw and explain TSR arrangements for consecutive TSRs where there is a lower speed beyond a higher speed
Warning board for higher speed
Commencement for higher speed
No termination indicator for higher speed
Warning board for lower speed (more restrictive)
Speed indicator for lower speed
Single termination indicator at end of lower speed
Draw and explain TSR arrangements for consecutive TSRs where there is insufficient distance for normal arrangements for a lower speed beyond a higher speed?
Warning board for higher speed with AWS before it, warning board for lower speed at least 45m beyond first warning board (2nd portable magnet immediately beyond 1st warning board).
Speed indicator for higher speed
Speed indicator for lower speed
Single termination indicator
Draw and explain the arrangements for consecutive TSRs where there is a higher speed beyond a lower speed?
Warning board for lower speed
Speed indicator for lower speed
No warning board for higher speed as less restrictive, just speed indicator
Single termination indicator
Draw and explain the arrangements for where there is one TSR inside another (lower inside higher)
Warning board for higher speed
Speed indicator for higher speed
Warning board for lower speed
Speed indicator for higher speed
No warning board for return to higher speed (less restrictive), just speed indicator
Single termination board
Draw and explain the arrangements for a TSR inside another where there is insufficient distance for normal arrangements (lower inside higher)
Warning board for higher speed
Warning board for lower speed at least 45m beyond first warning board
2nd portable AWS magnet immediately beyond 1st warning board
Speed indicator for higher speed
Speed indicator for lower speed
Speed indicator for higher speed
Single termination indicator
Draw and explain arrangements for where there is a higher speed TSR inside a lower speed TSR
Warning board for lower speed
Speed indicator for lower speed
Speed indicator for higher speed (less restrictive)
Warning board for lower speed (more restrictive)
Speed indicator for lower speed
Single termination indicator
Explain arrangements for when a TSR is at a diverging route only?
Normal arrangements except warning board and speed indicator contain arrow to show TSR applies to diverging route only
Explain arrangements for where there is a TSR on one route that commences beyond the junction and one before the junction?
Both warning boards on approach to junction (2nd with arrow for junction)
1st speed indicator on approach to junction
2nd speed indicator located after junction on diverging route
2x termination indicators (1 per route)
Draw and explain arrangements for TSRs on both routes commencing beyond a junction?
Also explain what would happen if there was insufficient distance for normal arrangements?
Both warning boards on approach to the junction but both speed indicators beyond the junction
Normal equipment but 1 warning board contains arrows for the diverging junction only.
If insufficient distance, warning board for straight route at least 45m before warning board for junction & 2nd portable magnet immediately after 1st warning board
What provisions are in place at locations where a TSR is implemented but trains are able to reverse or change drivers?
Additional speed indicator/warning board is placed within the TSR to remind the driver of the TSR. This is a reminder board.
What amendments can be made to TSRs without them becoming an ESR?
TSR can be moved if arrangements published in the WON and one of the below applies:
1) Warning board, speed indicator or termination indicator all moved in direction of travel (less restrictive)
2) Warning board and speed indicator moved towards the termination board (less restrictive)
3) Termination indicator is moved towards the speed indicator (less restrictive)
If TSR is not introduced:
1) If TSR published in WON and no longer required, crew informed via the Late Notice Case 24hrs before commencement (boards not provided).
2) If 24hrs notice not possible, TSR set up as planned but permissible speed applies- boards either show SPATE or permissible speed
TSR eased or removed early:
1) Eased TSR allowing a higher speed than published- boards changed to show higher speed (less restrictive)
2) If removed earlier than published, boards show permissible speed/SPATE
What is an Emergency Speed Restriction?
A restriction that:
1) Has not been published in the WON
2) Has been published but times, speeds or limits differ to those shown
3) Are imposed again after being withdrawn
4) Are shown in an amendment to the WON
What are your actions when driving over an ESR before boards are erected?
Control train to speed advised by signaller- whole train to leave lower speed section before accelerating
What are your actions when driving over an ESR after boards are erected?
Control train to speed on boards
Draw and explain normal arrangements of an ESR?
Normal TSR equipment plus an emergency indicator before the warning board. Portable AWS magnet 180m before emergency indicator. Emergency indicator at least 180m (max.400m) before warning board, AWS for warning board at or beyond emergency indicator
Explain arrangements if a fixed AWS magnet is associated with something else when an ESR is imposed?
If the fixed magnet is associated with something else, the emergency indicator is never placed between the fixed magnet and the equipment that it applies to.
If the emergency indicator is located at the signal, the electromagnet will be disconnected so that you always receive a horn.
If the emergency indicator is not located at the signal, a portable magnet and emergency indicator will be located 180m (min. 45m apart)
What are your actions if TSR/ESR equipment is missing/in incorrect location or more restrictive than published?
Inform signaller immediately, stopping to do so.
What are your actions if boards are becoming difficult to see?
Inform signaller at first opportunity and complete RT3185
What are your actions if you see anything wrong with the emergency indicator?
Tell the signaller immediately or make an emergency call, stopping to do so.
What are your actions when a blanket speed restriction is imposed?
Control train to no more than speed restriction.