General Flashcards
What is the max. number of hours you can work per turn?
12 hours
What is the minimum amount of rest between turns?
12 hours
What is the max. number of hours you can work over 7 days?
72 hours
What is the max number of days you can work within 14 days?
13 days
How much overtime is available for completing reports before booking off?
Up to 30 minutes
What is SP?
What is NOD?
Not on Duty
What is SPT?
Service Protection Turn (last resort- SP prioritised for jobs)
What is RR?
Route Refresh
What is RDW?
Rest Day Working
If you are allocated a shorter duty than spare, what pay will you receive?
Pay for the original rostered SP hours
If you are allocated a longer duty than spare, what pay will you receive?
Pay at standard rate for original rostered SP hours and overtime for anything in excess
How is weekly leave given to you?
How many floating days are available?
Can weekly leave be swapped?
What happens if you have NOD days within booked leave?
These are not reimbursed- try to swap these
What days do trains not run?
Christmas Day and Boxing Day
Is overtime optional?
RDW is optional but enforced overtime is contractual
Who should you inform of absence/lateness?
What must you ensure about your docket diagram when you collect it?
That it is correct and in date
What is LTP?
Long Term Planning
What is STP?
Short Term Planning
What is SX?
Saturdays Excepted
What is SCUD?
Safety Check Unit with Door Test
What is SCU?
Safety Check Unit
What is SC/AP?
Safety Check Unit then Attach Portion (check all 4 cabs including static brake test)
What is DP/SU?
Detach portion & secure unit (static brake test in unit you have uncoupled from)
What is RELD?
Relieved by driver
What is REL?
Relieving a driver
What is DBC?
Driver’s break from cab
What is DBC-40?
Driver’s break from cab for 30 minutes +5 mins walking time either side and 5 mins for SC
What is RPFM?
Re-platforming (shunt)
What is a night duty?
Book on between 21:00 and 05:00
What is the max. number of hours that can be worked on a night turn?
9 hours
What is the first number of a headcode?
Train classification
What does a ‘+’ sign mean on a diagram in between times (eg: 21+42)
An ECS move
When are the Weekly Operating Notices (WONs) issued?
Weekly and effective Saturday to Friday
What do the WONs contain?
Network and infrastructure updates
What must you do when collecting the WON and what must you do with it after collecting it?
Sign to confirm receipt of WON and must carry physical copy when on duty.
What are the sections of the WON?
Temporary Speed Restrictions
Signalling and alterations to the permanent way
Where would multi-SPAD signals be found?
Under General in the WON
When are the Periodical Operating Notices (PONs) issued?
What are the PONs?
Amendments to national operations publications- must update current documents (Rule Book/Sectional Appendix etc)
What must you do when you collect the PON and what do you do with it?
Sign to confirm receipt - no requirement to carry whilst on duty.
What is Communicating and Briefing Safety (CABS)?
Internal safety publication on risks, recent incidents and seasonal considerations
When collecting CABS, what must you do?
Sign to confirm receipt but no requirement to carry whilst on duty
If you have a health and safety concern and feel this hasn’t been dealt with appropriately internally, who can you go to?
CIRAS- Confidential Incident Reporting at Source
How many yards is in a chain and how many chains are in a mile?
22yds= 1 chain
1 mile= 80 chains
What is the up direction?
Towards the principal city
What is the down direction?
Away from the principal city
What do mile markers tell you?
How far from/to principal city you are
How could you identify the late notice case?
Red bordered
When must you check the late notice case?
Every time you book on
What is contained within the late notice case
Immediate network/infrastructure updates (eg: blanket speed restrictions, landslide info, ESRs, emergency engineering works, diversions, equipment failures, severe weather warnings)
How long are notices published in the late notice case?
72 hours or until obsolete/superseded
What happens to notices after 72 hours from the late notice case
Moved to WONs or New Notice Case
When must the New Notice Case be checked?
Every time you book on
What does the New Notice Case contain?
Crew updates that don’t belong in the Late Notice Case (eg: company procedure updates, manager instructions, recent incidents)
How long do notices stay in the New Notice Case? What happens with them after this?
Max. 4 weeks- they then move to the General Notice Case if still relevant
What is contained within the General Notice Case?
Notices over 4 weeks old from the New Notice Case if still relevant
How long do notices stay in the General Notice Case? What happens to them after this?
Max. 4 weeks- then moved to Permanent Notice Case if still relevant.
What is contained within the Permanent Notice Case?
Notices that are over 4 weeks old from the General Notice Case if still relevant (eg: traction/route knowledge, drugs and alcohol policy, cab passes, MPED policy)
How long do notices remain in the permanent notice case?
Published indefinitely
How would you identify the Health & Safety notice case?
Yellow bordered
What is contained within the health & safety notice case?
H&S info for employees, contractors and visitors (eg: first aid arrangements, liability insurance details, electric shock treatment)
What is contained in the SPAD/SOL notice case?
Recent incident info across Northern Network
What other notice cases are there?
Depot specific, daily appearance sheets and roster, special events and union info.
How regularly are there rule book updates?
2x per year
When are rule book updates published?
3 months before effective
Who’s responsibility is it to keep your rule book updated?
Driver’s responsibility but no requirement to carry on duty