Passing Signals at Danger Flashcards
What are the 17 reasons to pass a signal at danger?
1) Signal defective/disconnected
2) ERTMS equipment defective/disconnected
3) Level crossing equipment has failed
4) Shunting purposes where main aspect has no associated position light/semaphore shunting signal
5) Starting beyond a signal after changing ends
6) Electric train to pass signal protecting isolated section & proceed towards limiting point before returning in opposite direction
7) Train accepted via restricted acceptance (AB lines)
8) Entering occupied station to use platform in emergency when authorised by Network Rail
9) Engineering train moving towards or leaving a possession or leaving at an intermediate point
10) An engineering train to proceed towards a protection zone
11) Train to pass signal protecting a possession to access station/siding or line under SLW
12) Line to be examined to check that it is clear
13) Train to proceed at caution through AB section when failed train removed
14) Train to enter a section after another train has proceeded without authority or where front portion of divided train has passed through section
15) Train to enter to REAR
16) Single line working in operation
17) Pilot working or modified working in operation
Who can authorise you to PSAD?
Signaller, shunter, pilot, hand signaller or other competent person
What must you do with the signaller before PSAD?
Reach clear understanding on what is required, reason why, how far movement can go and any particular speed
What is the default speed when PSAD and what does this mean?
Caution- not exceeding any specified speeds, taking into account conditions and being able to stop short of BOTS
At what locations can a signaller authorise you to PSAD?
Only sections controlled by his box unless stated in Sectional Appendix
What are your actions when making the movement?
Must have authority from signaller, inform guard if they need to dispatch against red, reset DRA, press TPWS train stop override, pass signal and carry out any instructions. Proceed at caution until certain next signal applies to you.
What should you do if a SPAD indicator illuminates after PSAD?
Disregard this but confirm you have permission to do so.
Why do you need to proceed at caution until you are certain the next signal applies to you?
Next aspect unknown and equipment might not operate normally.
What are your actions when approaching controlled level crossings, automatic level crossings or barrow/foot crossings if you have been told these will not operate normally?
Approach at caution and only pass if safe
What speed should you do over points/switch diamonds/swing noses?
Max. 15mph - check these are set correctly.
If any ground position lights may be affected by PSAD, what are your actions?
Confirm with signaller if these will remain at danger and whether you have permission to pass these
When can you return to line speed after PSAD?
Once you reach the next stop signal unless instructed otherwise
In what circumstances can you proceed at 50mph after PSAD?
1) SLW in wrong direction
2) Modified working
4) You have passed 2 main aspect stop signals at danger
5) Block instrument failure on AB line
In what circumstances can you proceed at permissible speed after PSAD?
1) SLW in normal direction
2) Single lines where token is provided and you have the token
3) During pilot working on single/bi-di lines
When can you PSAD on your own authority?
On AB lines if you can establish for certain that a signal box that controls the signal is closed.
What are your actions when PSAD on your own authority?
Physical check of signal box. If closed, return to train, check points set, press train stop override, proceed at caution, only pass level crossings if safe.
Max 15mph over points, max. 10mph through tunnels
When reaching section signal, repeat process but no physical check required unless reaching home signal controlled by another box.
Inform next signal box of PSAD immediately.
What conditions must be met to pass 2 main aspect stop signals at danger?
TCB lines (no single lines), both signals faulty with same fault and no distant in between, 2nd signal cannot have TPWS fitted, up to 3rd signal and overlap inspected and confirmed to be clear. 3rd signal must show proceed aspect.
What speed can you do when passing 2 main aspect signals at danger and when can you do this speed?
50mph after passing the 1st signal at danger.
Can all signals be passed at danger on AB lines?
Yes, the signaller can authorise you to pass all stop signals within that signal box’s station limits at danger as he controls them and usually has visibility of them all.
What speed can you pass through a tunnel after passing a signal on your own authority?
What speed must you do over points when passing a signal on your own authority?