Scarborough Route Learning Flashcards
What platform indications can you accept when continuing to Scarborough from Bridlington?
4 & 5 only
What type of single line is between Bridlington and Hunmanby?
Tokenless Block
What type of signalling is in use from Bridlington to Scarborough?
TCB after the tokenless block single line between Bridlington and Hunmanby
What type of single line is between Filey and Seamer South Junction?
TCB single line
What area does Bridlington signaller control?
From Bridlington station until Barf Farm
What area does Seamer (SR) signaller control?
From Barf Farm until Seamer Station
What area does Seamer (YS) signaller control?
From Seamer Station until Scarborough Station
List the speeds from Bridlington to Scarborough in the down direction
20mph out of Brid station
40mph before Trinity Foot Crossing
40/50 at top of hill before Sewerby AHBC
40/60 at Buckton Lane
30/60 at double yellow on approach to Hunmanby
30/50 on approach to Hunmanby
20/40 on level crossing speed board for Hunmanby ABCL
15/30 on level crossing speed board for Hunmanby Sands ABCL
40/60 at Hunmanby Sands ABCL
10/60 over bridge
40/60 after Hunmanby Sands ABCL
40/50 next to caravan park on approach to Filey
40 after Seadale UWC
40/50 on single line at Filey
40/60 at Gristhorpe
25 over Seamer Junction
60 on approach to Seamer station
45 after B&M railings
35 after 45
20 after gantry
15 into platforms
List the speeds from Scarborough to Bridlington in the up direction
20 out of platform
25 when past signal
45 before back of gantry
60 adjacent to sidings
70 adjacent to sidings stop board
60 before Esso signal
25 for Seamer Junction
40 after Junction
40/60 when on single line
40/50 in line with Gristhorpe’s stop signal
30/50 on approach to Filey
30/40 where track becomes two track before Filey
40/60 after Filey station
40/55 after stone hut on approach to Hunmanby
10/55 over bridge
40/55 on approach to Hunmanby
30/55 on level crossing speed board for Hunmanby Sands ABCL
20 over points onto single line
40/50 when on single line
40/60 with fields on right coming out of Hunmanby
40/50 after Bempton station
40 after Sewerby
20 before Brid station
Which signals on this route are non-block and what does this mean?
The stop signals protecting Gristhorpe in both directions. This means that these signals only protect Gristhorpe MCG and do not control the movements of trains. This is a location listed in the sectional appendix where a green hand signal shown by the crossing keeper authorises you to pass the protecting signal at danger as it purely protects the crossing and this is confirmation that the crossing is safe.
What is the normal position of the gates at Gristhorpe MCG?
Open to road traffic
What is the slowest speed on the route?
10mph (10/55)
Where is Seamer’s (SR) first and last signal in the down direction?
First signal is where double yellow usually is before Hunmanby and last signal is Seamer Platform’s starting signal.
Where is Seamer’s (YS) first and last signal in the down direction?
First signal is the first signal around corner from Seamer shortly after Esso and last signal is the gantry before Scarborough.
Where is Seamer’s (YS) first and last signal in the up direction?
First signal is platform starting signal at Scarborough and last signal is the one adjacent to Esso before Seamer.
Where is Seamer’s (SR) first and last signal in the up direction?
First signal is platform starting signal with junction indicator and last signal is Hunmanby’s platform starting signal.
Where is Bridlington’s first signal in the up direction?
The distant signal for Bempton before Buckton Lane.
What risk is present where the double yellow would usually be for Hunmanby?
This can be a single yellow where you are brought to a stand before Hunmanby station.
What are you required to do before Hunmanby ABCL?
Check for the white flashing light before proceeding. You must locally monitor this crossing to ensure it is safe before crossing over it.
What are you required to do before Hunmanby Sands ABCL?
Check for the white flashing light before proceeding. You must locally monitor this crossing to ensure it is safe before crossing over it.
What is the speed over the cross over onto the single line at Hunmanby in the up direction?
What are you required to do before proceeding away from Hunmanby in the up direction?
Sound horn before proceeding.
Do you have to check for a white flashing light when proceeding over Hunmanby ABCL in the up direction?
No, the stop board confirms that a clear signal means the crossing is operating normally.
Where are SPAD indicators located on the route?
After the starting signal at Filey in the down direction before the single line commences to prevent conflicting movements in event of SPAD.
Before single line after Seamer Junction in up direction before single line commences to prevent conflicting movements in event of SPAD.
Are there any banner repeaters located on the route?
Yes, on the down before the signal protecting Seamer Junction and on the up protecting the single line after Seamer junction.
How many signals are located on the approach to Seamer junction and how many of these could you be stopped at?
3 signals (1 distant and 2 stop signals)- could be stopped at 2 of these before Seamer Junction.
If the single yellow is at the last signal before Seamer Junction, where is the red signal?
At Seamer station.