Speech Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
“ هو الله الذي لا إله إلا هو له الأسماء الحسني يسبح له مافي السماوات والأرض وهو العزيز الحكيم “
Speech is highly Complex sensory motor function.
Sensory component of speech called receptive components descibe
Visual Assoication area in occiptital lobe for understanding meaning of written words
Audioty assoication area in temporal lobe for understanding of spoken words
Wernicke’s area sensory speech center for complete understanding of speech
Determination of Thoughts
Determination of Proper words
Sensory speech center is ? lies in ?
Wernicke’s area in superior Temopral gyrus
Motor or expressive Component of speech
Borca’s area or word foramtion area or Motor speech center
in Frontal lobe
for Word formation
Storing programs of vocalization
Exner’s area : hand skill area in Frontal lobe
for storing programs of coordinated hand skilled movements
Programs of vocalization and Hand skilled movemnt stored in specialized areas in ?
premotor cortex area 6
Describe mehanism of spoken words understanding with response of speech
Spoken words to primary auditory area for just perception without understanding
Then to Auditory association area for understanding each individual word then to Wernicke’s area for Compelete understanding + determination of thoughts and proper words then to
1-Broca’s area with assistance of cerebellum and basal ganglia for coordination then to Area 4 for Face muscle movements
2-Exner’s area with assictance of basal ganglia and cerebellum and area 4 for skilled hands movement
Describe mehanism of Visual words understanding with response of speech
To primary visual area for perception only to Visual association area for understanding each individual word then to angular gyrus for comprehnison of visual language to Wernickes for compelete understanding +Determination of Thoughts and porper word then to ?
Broca’s for speaking
Exener for writing
Apahsia is due to meanwhile dysarthria ?
Aphasia speech diorder due to center lesion
but dysarthria due to defect in artiuclation
Sensory aphasia called
but motor aphaisa called?
sensory Fluent Receptive
Motor non fluent expressive
Mention types of sensory aphasia ?
-Visual aphasia
-Wernicke’s aphasia
Word blindeness describe
called visual aphasisa
due to lesion of Visual association area
can see words cannot understand it
Word deafness
called auditory aphaisa
due to lesion of audiotory association area can hear words cnnot understand it
Wernicke’s aphaisa
due to lesion of of the werincke’s can neither compelete understand speech , Determine thought nor determine Proper words
Talk excessively with
Conductive aphasia describe
lesion in or near audioty cortex
Can neither put words together nor repeat words
Anmoic aphasia describe
due to lesion to angular gyrus in the categorical hemisphere leading to?
Cannot give names for object of pictures
Broca’s aphaisa
Motro aphaisa
due to lesion in broca’s area
cannot express word
his speech limted to 2,3 words
The patient cannot express by writing this is called > ? due to ?
due to lesion to exners area
Genral aphaisa due to ?
extensive brain damage
Receptive and expressive
also non fluent
also called global aphaisa
Compare between
Neocerbellar and LMNL dysarthria
Neoceregbellar ataxic dysarthria with Staccato speech
LMNL : Flacccccid DysFlaccccccidarthria with Weak breathy nasal speech
Compare dysartrhic of UMNL and parkinsonism
UMNL : Spastic dysarhtia and slow stiff speech
hyopkinetic dysarthria
Slow monotonus speech
B.G lesion dysarthira?
hYperKinEtic dysarthria with
Quick Bursting speech
ولقد وصلنا لهم القول لعلهم يتذكرون
الذين آتيناهم الكتاب من قبله هم به يؤمنون وإذا يتلي عليهم قالوا آمنا به إنه الحق من ربنا إنا كنا من قبله مسلمين أولئك يؤتون أجرهم مرتين بما صبروا ويدرؤن بالحسنة السيئة ومما رزقناهم ينفقون وإذا سمعوا اللغو أعرضوا عنه وقالوا لنا أعمالنا ولكم أعمالكم سلام عليكم لا نبتغي الجاهلين