Dorsal column sensations Flashcards
يسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين
Dorsasl cloumn sensation
Lemiscal system path
Fine touch
Propriception Kinesthetic
Deep Pressure
Fine touch
Propriception Kinesthetic
Deep Pressure
Sterognosis Are Common in
-all (MechanoReceptors) imp !
-First order neuron impulse from receptor to the dorsal column tract white matter not Dorsal Horn
and All afferents are A Beta thick and Myleinated ending at Medulla synapsing with( gracile of L.L)
(Cunate of U.L ) Called gracillar cunate pathway
-2nd order neuron : Sensory deucssation in medulla to (VPLN)
-3rd oredr neuron in posterior limb of
internal Capsule and Corona radiata to Sensory Cortex
-all cortical sharply localized Epicritic sensations
Dorsal Column Tract called ?
1-Gracillar Cuneate Pathway
2- Lemiscal system
Dorsasl cloumn receptros are
? dorsal clumn tract 2nd order neuron :
Sensory deucssation in medulla to (VPLN)
Dorsal Column Tract Type of Sensation ?
-All cortical+ sharply localized +Epicritic sensations
اي احساس هنناقشه هنتكلم في ايه
1-التعريفdef :
2-receptors name type mech
mechano - D2 deformity or diplacement
3-afferents ABETA
4-pathway Dorsal Column Lemincsal gracillar cuenate path
5-perception area cortex epicritic
Fine touch
-the ability of body to detect contact with objects accurately
MMR Pacinain
Meissiner +Mekels+ Ruffini +Pacinian
Displacemnt +deofrmity
-Afferents A beta
-pathway : dorsal Column
-perception : Dorsal Column
-adapation : Rapidly Adapted Phasic
Types of Fine touch ?
Tactile Localization + Tactile disrcination
Receptors of Fine touch ?
MMR Pacinain
Meissiner +Mekels+ Ruffini +Pacinian
Displacemnt +deofrmity
Types of Fine touch ?
Tactile Localization + Tactile disrcination
دول نوعين من اللمس الخفيف دي تطبق عليها كل قواعد الفاين تتش
Tactile Localization Tocuh Mean and Test ?
It Means the ability of closed eye person to localize the point of sensation touch on his body
Test: 2 Marker Test
Tactile discrimination mean ?
It is the ability of a person with closed eye to to disrciminate tocuh at separate 2 points at the same time
Tactile discrimination mean ?+ test?
It is the ability of a person with closed eye to to disrciminate tocuh at separate 2 points at the same time
Weber Compass Test
Threshold distance عرف؟
مهمة جدا جدا
اقل مسافى تقدر تفرق بيها بين لمس نقطتين في جسمك في نفس الوقت
-The Minimal distance between 2 Points to be felt as 2 separate Points
بتختلف من منطقة لاخري في الجسم
2-3mm in Fingers + Lips
4-6mm in dorsum of hand
5-6 cm in back
Low Distance Threshold mean ?
1- Alot of receprtos
2-alot of afferents
3- Large Cortical represnatation area
4- Less Convergence of afferent
5-small receptive field
6-High sensory acquity
Fingers are charcterized by ? in Tactile disrcimation ?
Low distance Threshold so It is Charcatrized by ?
4-Less Convergence of afferents
5-Small receptive field
6-High sensory Acuity
High thrshold distance area are chracterized by?
Less receptors
less afferent
small cortical represenation area
Wide convergence of afferets
Large receptive field
Low Sensory Acuity
The back is cc by ? in tactile discrination ?
High Threshold Distance
less receptors
less afferents
small cortical represntation area
Wide convergence of Afferents
Large receptive fields
Low sensory acuity
Vibration means ?
Ryhtmic repetitive Pressure sensation
حاسس بهزة حاجة بتروح وتيجي
when tunning fork is put on bony prominences
Receptors of Vibration are ?
Touch and pressure receptors are inovolved in vibration sensation
Pacinan 30-800 cycle/s
Messiner 2-80 cycle /s more sensitive
كانوا موجودين في fine touch
Types Mechanoreceptors
Mech: Deformity + Displacement of Receptors
Vibration is …..sensation ?
Mixed one = Touch + Pressure
وما محمد إلا رسول قد خلت من قبله الرسل أفإن مات أو قتل انقلبتم علي أعقابكم ؟
ومن ينقلب علي عقبيه فلن يضر الله شيئا
الشاكريـــــــــــــــــ(وسيجزي الله )ــــــــــــــــــــن
هذا الوقت سيمضي ؟
فاتق الله وكن مع المفلحين
كثرة موت الفجأة بين الشباب يا حسرة علي العباد !
هل لو كنت مكانهم كنت مستعد للقاء الله ؟
أفلا تبصر قبل ان تقول رب ارجعون ؟؟؟؟؟؟
فيقال لك كلا؟
Vibration inf !
Afferents a beta
pathway dorsal column
perception : EpiCritic
adaptaiton of receptors : Phasic
vibration indeed is not constant stimulus so no adapation occur
Test : Tunning Fork test
Vibration can be adapted ?
It is not constant stimulus so no adapation occurs althoug is is classifeid rapidly adapting due to its phasic receptors
ليه بتاثر علي العظم
for magnification of stimuli as in Obese
Kinesthetic or prorioception mean ?
The conscous sensation of Body Position + Movements at its parts
Types of proprioception
Static proprioception for Position
Dynamic Proprioceptin for Movments
هو الاحساس الواعي بموضع وحركة اجزاء الجسم
منه ؟
static and dynamic:-
Static : هو قدرة شخص مغمض عينيه علي الاحساس بموضعه وموضع اجزاء جسمه بالنسبة بعضها لبعض وبالنسبة للفراغ
قدرة شخص مغمض عنيه انه يحس بحركة اجزاء جسده بالنسبة لبعضها البعض وبالنسبة للفراغ
Propriceptors receptors
سواء ستاتيك او ديناميك
يعني وضع او حركة مشتركين في 4
-Ruffinin end organ
-stretch receptors:
.Muscles spinle
.Gogli Tendon Organ
-Receptors at joints capsule tendon ligaments
بس في مستقبل زيادة مع مين ؟ مع الحركة اسمه ايه مش ورانا غيره ؟
Pacinian corpuscles : for intial rate of movements as it is rapidly adapting
Each propriceptors detecet a limited range of movments
سواء ستاتيك او ديناميك
يعني وضع او حركة مشتركين في 4 مستقبلات
-Ruffinin end organ
-stretch receptors:
.Muscles spinle
.Gogli Tendon Organ
-Receptors at joints capsule tendon ligaments
Type of receptors of Propriceptos ?
Type of receptors of Propriceptos ?
Deformity+ Displacement
afferent A beta
Path : Dorsal Column Tract Leminscaul gracillocuneat tract
Perception Epicritic+cortical + sharply Localized
adaptation at propricepton
خش بقلب جامد وقوله sloooooooow
لانه ال4 المشتركين كلهم بطيئين
ماعدا أنت يا pacinan
في الحركة بيبقي سريع مرحلي عشان بس الخطوات الأولي من الحركة وبعدين شكرا روح كمل شغلك
UnConsiuous sensation felt in ? tract ? importrane?
In Cerebellum by SpinoCerebellar Tract
Imp for Balance and Equilibrium
UnConsiuous sensation felt in ? tract ? importrane?
In Cerebellum by (SpinoCerebellar)Tract…
Imp for( Balance) and Equilibrium..
Deep pressure sensation ?
قدرة شخص مغمض عينيه انه يعرف ثقل الاشياء من غير ما يشيلها عشان لو شالها العضلة هتنقبض وهتفهمه بال proprio
receptors of deep pressure sensation
-Deep pacinain
-Deep Ruffini End organ in skin Fascia And Muscles
-They are Mechanoreceptors by deformity and displacement
Afferents : A beta
Pathway? Dorsal column lemiscal tract
Proprecttin : cortex epicritic Sharply Localized
Adapation slooooooooooow with ruffinin
Test test for deep pressure
adaptation of Deep pressure ?
Due to Ruffinin slow adapting tonic receptors
Sterognosis ? define
قدرة شخص مغمض عنيه انه يعرف حجم وشكل و نسيج الشئ الملموس المألوف
to know hte size shape texture of familart something by palpation
List Sterognosis requirements
3 Intacts :-
-Intact sensation
Touch + Prssure + Proprioception
Receptors in skin -muscles -joints .
-Intact Sensory Association Area 5-7
for higher cortical Processing
-Intact Memory : perviously expericenced object