Sleep + Arousal Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين
Define sleep and mention its importance
Physiological spontantuous unconsiuconess from which person can be aroused by stimuli
Restoration of Physiologicla and biological preocess CMTI Cognition Caloric Metabilic thermal imune
Learning and memory
Neuronal plastisty maturation connections
Describe NREM sleep
Called Slow sleep or non rapid eye movement sleep
__spt cewd vital magi–
Stages :
Very light sleep Theta
Light sleep : Theta + Sleep spindles (large alpha 12-14Hz)+ K complex large and slow
Moderate : Delta 3-3.5
Deep Delta .5-1.5 Hz
Eyes: deviate up miosed
Walking and talking present
Dreams and penile erection absent
Vitals : HR - RR - ABP decreased 10-30 % due to ? Parasymp
Musle tone decreased
Arousal threshold decreased
Growth Hormone Inc
Imprtance : physical rest
Describe REM stage
Paradoxical or rapid eye movement sleep
___SPT cewd vital magi-
Stages : Rapid low voltage irregular desynchronized B waves with mental acitvity
Percentage: 25% but 80% in premature 50in neoneate 20 in old age
Time : in bouts 5-30 minutes
Eye: rapid eye movements
Walking and talking: absent
Dreams and penile erection found presnet
vitals: HR -RR-ABP increased irregular
Muscle tone decreasd markedly exept finger +toes + legs
Arousal Threshold is high
GH: Decreased
Imp : Mental rest
Describe REM stage
Paradoxical or rapid eye movement sleep
___SPT cewd vital magi-
Stages : Rapid low voltage irregular desynchronized B waves with mental acitvity
Percentage: 25% but 80% in premature 50in neoneate 20 in old age
Time : in bouts 5-30 minutes
Eye: rapid eye movements
Walking and talking: absent
Dreams and penile erection found presnet
vitals: HR -RR-ABP increased irregular
Muscle tone decreasd markedly exept finger +toes + legs
Arousal Threshold is high
GH: Decreased
Imp : Mental rest
Sleep distribtuon
Child 8-10 adults 6h
The cycle repeated 4-6 times:
Sleeping lightens
Decreased NREM
Decreased Stage 3,4
Increased REM
mENTION Mechanisms of sleep
Active theroies
Desctribe passive theory ?
Fatigue decresing activity of RAS decreasing + feed back of cortical activation
Describe metabolic theory
Proglonged wakefulness leads to Accumulmation of SIS in brainstem and CSF
Inhibiting RAS
SLeep inducing substance may be?
2-Muramyl peptide in CSF and Urine of sleep deprived animal
Illustare Active theory
SupraChiasmatic Nucleus synchronize sleep & awakefulness cycle with Dark and light cycle
Sleep centers
anterior hypothalamus
Basal Forebrain area
REM :-
RF giving direct cholinergic to Cortex
Essential for Normal ciradain rythm ?
Brainstem Nuclei
Sleep /awaefkulness norma cirdian rythm 6-8h/16-18 h
Orexin define
Substance secretd by hypothalmic suprachiasmatic nucleus and is responsible for awakefulness by activating brainsem nuclei to secrets wakefullness substance but responsible for Switching between awaefulness and sleep in cyce
Neurochemical basis of Sleep and arousal
Arousal : Posterior hypothalamus & RAS
NE + Histamine +Serotonin
Sleep : Anterior hypothalamus + Basal forebrain areas
Ach + GABA
Wakefulness neruochemical basis
Increasing NE From locus cerulues
Serotinin from RMN
Histamine from posterior hypotahlamus
decreasing Ach from upper brainstem RF
decreasing GABA from preoptic Nucelus
NREM Neurochemical basis
Balance between
NE OF Locus cerulues
Sertonin of RMN
Ach of upper brainstem RF
GABA OF preotpic nucelus
decreasing Ach
neurochemical of REM
Increasing Ach from Upper brainstem RF
Decrasing NE of locus cerelus
serotinin of RMN
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