pain control Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين
يا صاح هذا شعاع الشمس لاح مناديا يوم جديد فاغتنمه تفوز
Mention ways of pain control ?
Pain control system
Surgical control
Electrical control
Medical control
Pain control system inculdes ?
Analgesic system
Brain opiate system
Gate theory
Explain pain anagesic system
-Preventricular area in hypothalamus :
secretes B endorphins which stimulate
-Preaqudectal gray area to secrets enkepahlins 1st which stimulate
-Raphae Magnus Nucleus Which secrtets Serotonin which stimulates
-PIC Pain inhibitor complex on neurons and internuerons which secrets Enkephalins 2nd Which inhibit
Presynaptic and postsynaptic terminals and from secreting substane p also inhibiting slow pain sensation
Enkephalins are secreted from two area in Analgesic pain control system mention them
PAGA : Periaqudectal gray area
PIC :Pain inhibitory complex
ايه الحاجة اللي دوك عبد الحميد شايفها روعة في
analgesic system ?
Inhibition of transmission
and Reception also that is great inhibiting
the Reticular formation and
non specific thalamic Nuclei
ايه الحاجة اللي دوك عبد الحميد شايفها روعة في
analgesic system ?
Inhibition of transmission
and Reception also that is great inhibiting
the Reticular formation and
non specific thalamic Nuclei
Opiate theory
Opiate receptor causes Pre and post synaptic inhibtion of pain pathway
having receptors on
-Preventricular area
-Periaqudectal gray area
-Raphae Magnus Nucleus
-Sunstantia Nigara SN
Mention 3 opioid peptides
-Endorphins 30aa hypothalamus pituitary
-Enkephalins 5 aa brainstem spinal cord
-Dynorphins 17aa brainstem spinal cord low concentration
how to identify opiate receptors and how to stimulate ?
identify by naloxone blocker of opiate receptor
stimulate by
Exogenous opiates morphine
Endogenous opiode peptides
اشرح ميكانزم المورفين
اشرح ميكانيزم المخدارات الدماغية الداخلية
stress analgesia
prefrontal cortex
limbic system
+receptor — +PAGA —- Enkephalins
stimulate Raphae Magnus Nucleus
Secretes serotonin Stimulate PIC
Pain inhibitor complex which inhibit pre and post synaptic terminals of pain pathway preventing them from secreting Substance p
ايه فايدة حك الجلد في الالم ؟
لما تحك الجلد بتحفز
lare mylineated fiber
جنب العصب الناقل للالم
بيكون ايه بيتا بيعمل تثبيط جانبي للالياف سي
وبالتالي عملنا قفل لباب النقل ل شجر
اشرحلي كده نظرية البوابات
SGR substantia gelatinosa of Rolandi lamina 1-2 in spinal cord and it represents the gate by which impusles from sensory pain receptors can pass to lateral spinothalmic tract .
The A delta and C fibers entering SGR can be lateraly inhibied by interneurons which can be stimulated by rubbing skin near the pain area activating large mylinated nerve fiber giving lateral inhbition to these fibers by relasing GABA Enkepalins Serotonin preveting releasing Substance P
How to activate Gate theory ?
-Activating large myelinated nerve fibers by rubbing skin near pain
-Counter irritant
-Acupuncture (Gate theory - Psychogenic analgesic system _
How Acupuncture works ?
Acupuncture (Gate theory - Psychogenic analgesic system _
Mention surgical control of pain methods
1- (Anterolateral Cordotomy ) :( Cutting) fibers from anterolateral system prevents pain from reaching the path of lateral spinothalamic tract
2- Caturization of selected intrathalamic nuclei preventing senstation of slow pain in thalamus
Mention surgical control of pain methods
1- (Anterolateral Cordotomy ) :( Cutting) fibers from anterolateral system prevents pain from reaching the path of lateral spinothalamic tract
2- Caturization of selected intrathalamic nuclei preventing senstation of slow pain in thalamus
Caturization and pain control
Cautrization of selected intrathalamic Nuclei Preventing Sensation of slow pain
Anterolateral Cordotomy AND pain control
cutting fibers transmit pain to lateral spinothalamic tract
how to electrically control pain ?
Stimulation of large sensory fibers in selected areas in spinal cord or nearby skin
Stimulation of Analgesic system ( PVC -PAGA - RMN )
Medical control of pain
Antacids peptic ulcer
Blood vessels dilators in ischemia
Corticosteroids abnormal inflammatory pain
Drugs kill pain sensation Painkillers
الحمدلله رب العالمين