Motor cortex Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين
توكلنا علي الحي الذي لا يموت سبحان الله وبحمده كفي به بعبادة خبيرا بصيرا
Dfine cerebral cortex ?
area of cortex responsible for motor functions
1- Primary motor area 4
2-lateral area 6 premotor cortex
3-Medial area 6 supplemental motor area
4-Specialized areas in Premotor cortex
Body represenation of Primary motor area
map !
Smoatotopic topographic :
Crossed Inverted
Motor repsesnation :
is disproptionate to actuale muscle sizes but proportionate to skilled motor Value of muscle
Area 4 is crossed and inverted function excpet for ?
Upper face muscles
are bilateral Represnted
large and small reperesntation in area 4 for?
Large : Tongue + lips + hands
Small : back muscles
Explain characters of Area 4
has Betz cells :
Dynamic and static compare!
Dishcarge Rapidly for short time + responsible for intiating and dierction of contratcion of muscles
Static : Discharge slowly for long time + responsible for maintatince of force and rate of contraction
Connections of Area 4 mention
Area 6
Neocerebellum contralateral
Basal ganaglia
Motor neurons a y of spinal cord pyramidal
motor neuorns a of nuclei of cranial Nerves pyramidal
Functions of area 4 ?
1- intiation gine movments Contraction of Distal limb muscles of opposite side
2-share in intiation gross movments contraction of axial and proximal limb muscles of opposite side
3-++Muscle tone
4-++SR and tenodn jerks
5-++superficial refelxes
6-essential for normal Plantar reflex
Effect of lesion to area 4 ?
1- loss of fine movement contraction of distal limb muscles in opposited side
2-paresis of gross movment of axial and proximal limb muscles
5-loss of abdominal reflex + partial + babinski
6-+partial + babinski dorsifelxion of big toe
Mention site and represntation of premotor cortex
lateral area 6 behind the area4
Crossed inverted except eye muscles abdominal and respiratory muscles
Connections of area 6 ?
Area 4567
Area 4
Supplemental motor area medial area 6
Area 5,7
Basal gangailia
Paleo Cerebellum
Spinal cord motor nuerons via extrapyramidal tracts
Characters of premotor area ?
less Betz
Less excitabel
Characters of premotor area ?
less Betz
Less excitable than area 4
Functions of Premotor area or lateral area 6 mention
1-Share in gross movments of axial and proximal limb muscles in opposite sides
2-Adjust posture for skilled muscle movments
3-Planning of movments
4-With basal ganglia for automatic unconscious momvmentns as swinging of hand during walk
5-Inhibits muscle tone
6-Inhibits SR and tendon jerks
7-Inhibits Grasp Reflex
8-For Intact plantar reflex
Effects of lesion of Premotor cortex lateral area 6 mention
0-Contains memory for Learned motor acts
1-Paresis of Gross movments of axial and proximal limb muscles in opposite side
2-Inability to adjust posture for skilled movments
3-decrease in abilitly of planning movments
4-loss of Automatic unconsous movments
7-grasp Reflex Reappear
8-Partial +Babinski sign and fanning lf lateal 4 toes
Effects of lesion of Premotor cortex lateral area 6 mention
0-Inability to perform learned motor acts in absence of paralysis called motor apraxia
1-Paresis of Gross movments of axial and proximal limb muscles in opposite side
2-Inability to adjust posture for skilled movments
3-decrease in abilitly of planning movments
4-loss of Automatic unconsous movments
7-grasp Reflex Reappear
8-Partial +Babinski sign and fanning lf lateal 4 toes
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
site and representation of the supplemetnal motor area medila area 6
Site anterior and superior to area 6
Representation =Bilateral + Horizontal
Functions of Supplemetnal motor area medial area 6 mention ?
Helps in Gross movments which helps in Fine movments
Planning of Complex Bilateral Internally directed
Motor Movments
Effect of lesion of Supplemetnal motor area ?
Inability to perform complex motor functions
Inability to perform fine movements or direct and coordinate hands and fingers in bilateral bimanual movments
explain broca/s area
spiclaized motor area for storage of programs of vocalization
effect of lesion motor aphasisa
Head rotation area ?
Specialized Motor area
for rotation of head without bodu
Head rotation area ?
Specialized Motor area
for rotation of head without body
Exner,s area ?
Specialized motor area
Hands skills area
for Complex skilled movments with hand
effect of lesion : Agraphia
Incoordinated skilled hand movments but other ordinary are perserved
Frontal eye field area 8 ?
Contralateral voluntary conjugate eye movments
effect of lesion loss of contalateral voluntary conjugate eye movments
but conjugate eye movments still can be done reflexly
by Tectospinal Tract
Area 4
Area 4,6
area 6 supllemtnal motor area
area 4 only intiator of fine movments of hands so lesion cause loss of fine movemetn of hands
4.6 shrares in gross movments so loss of one of them casue paresis of gross movments
Area 6 and supplemental motor area ?
For skilled Movements:-
memory + postural back ground =.=
Lesion cause motor apraxia
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