Cortical associaton Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Cerebral hemispheres are?
Categorical one
Represenational one
Hemiphspere for fine detalied processing of inforamtion thinker!
catgetorical hemisphere
Mention Function of Categorical hemisphere
Verbal - Logical analytical and sequential tasks
Lesion of Categorical hemisphere leads to ?
Speech disorderes as aphasia
big broad procssing of information occurs in ?
Represenational Hemipshere
big broad procssing of information occurs in ?
Represenational Hemipshere
نظرة عامة
Mention functions of represntatiational hemisphere
Visuospaital relations
Recognition of faces and objects
Musical and artistic talents
Mention functions of represntatiational hemisphere
Visuospaital relations
-Recognition of faces and objects
Musical and artistic talents
Mention ocnsequences of lesion of represntational hemisphere
-Agnosia and contralateral negelct
-Inability to tell a story
-inability to Get the point or understanding the color of speech
Mention assoication areas
parito occipito tempral association
prefrontal association
Limbic Temporal association
Limibc association area for ?
Mention function of Parieto occipito temorak association area
1-Visuspatial relations ti identify coordination of body and surroundins lesion leads to : Amorophosynthesis
2-Wernicke’s area for language comprhenison
Lesion leads to aphasia
3-Angular gyrus for reading and understanding visaul written words
lesion leads to inability to understand wirtten words
4-Area for naming objects lesion leads to inability to give names for seen objects
Mention functions of prefrontal assoication cortex
-Elaboration of thougths lesion leads to loss of attention easily distracted and linkless thoughts.
-Emotional behavior lesion leads to personality changes
Creativity lesion loss of it
Contains Broca’s area lesion leads to aphasia motor
-Planning of voluntary movement X LOSS
-Personal traits X personality changes
-Problem solving X loss
Decision making
Ordering of events X loss
Operation of Working memory X loss
Repeated stimulus casuing modification of behavior this is called ?
Simple non associative learning
Repeated stimulus casuing gradual loss or response this is called?
What is the mechanism?
Closure and inactivation of Ca cahnnels in the presynpatic neuron so less NTs releasd
Simple non associateve leraning used in
short memory
Describe Sensitization
Bening stimulus + Noxuios stimulus Causing = Prolonged Augmented response
Third neuron of nxoius stimulus releasing serotonin activating G protein in presynaptic neuorn casuing +adenylyl cyclase and cAMP so closed K channels casuing depolarization of the neuron with Ca channels opened releasing NTs casuing prolonged Augmented Response
Pavlov’s experiment
الكلب والأكل والجرس
جاب اكل وقدم له اكل يطلع لعابه ويضربله الجرس مرارا وتكرارا
لغاية؟ بقا يجي يضرب الجرس من غير اكل لعاب الكلب يسيل
Classical conditioning
عملية ربط مؤثر مشروط مش بيجيب نتيجة بمؤثر غير مشروط بيجيب نتيجة طبيعية عشان يعمل النتيجة دي
Operant conditioning
مبدأ الثواب والعقاب
+ do somethnig increasing behavior
_ remove something increasing behavior
Punishmet :
+ do something decreasing beahvior
- reomve something decreasing behavior
“وقولوا آمنا بالذي أنزل إلينا و أنزل إليكم وإلهنا وإلهكم واحد ونحن له مسلمون وكذلك أنزلنا إليك الكتاب فالذين آتيناهم الكتاب يؤمنون به ومن هؤلاء من يؤمن به”