Motor HERICHAY Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
define moto herichay
The flow of infomartio through the motor system
Components of Motor Herichay
1-higher motor levels
site of idea
Asscoication area in cortex
2-Middle motor levels
Site of planing and programming
Motor corrtex cerebellum and basal ganaglia
3-Lower motor levels :
SITE OF Performance
Spinal cord motor neuorn
mrainstem ncueli
Motor hericay divied into ?
1- Generation of voluntary movment
2-Intiation and Excution of Voulntary movments
Show generation of Voulntay movment in motor
First in higher motor level
Prefrontal assocation cortex beigns the idea
-Limbic association cortex with frontal and temporal lobes make decicsion
-Posterior parietal cortex area 5,7 evaluate sensations
=5 for proproceptive
=7 for visual then to
Middle Motor level:
-supplementory motor:
Plan fine motor complex movments bilateral
-premotor area :
plan gross movments at the same time subcorticals work:
-basal ganglia for amplitude of gross movments
-Cerebellum for coordination of rapid movements
the to the Lower motor level but?
-Supplementory sends impulses to adjust posture of hands
-Premotor sends impulses in anterior coricospinal to adjust posture of body for movements
then Intiation and Excution level
Function of prefrontal association area ?
share in voluntary action generation
For desire and need to perform a movement
Function of Limbic association cortex , frontal and temopral lobe ?
Shar in viluntary action generation
Make a decision about movments according to
Emotions Motivations
Function of Limbic association cortex , frontal and temopral lobe ?
Shar in viluntary action generation
Make a decision about movments according to
Emotions Motivations
Function of posterior pariteal compleX?
share in voulntary movment generation in higher level motor …
For Evaluation of sensations and position of body related to the intended movement formulate the idea
Area 5 evaluate prorioceptive impulses about psoiton of body and limbs
Area 7 for Visual infomration about shape of objects and its relation to the body
Supplemental motor area for planning of fine bimanual complex movements
Premotor area for planning of gross movements involving group of muslces
at the same time
basal ganglia : for ampltiude of slow gross movments
Cerebellum coordination of rapid movements
supplemetory motor area adjust posture of hands
Premotor area sends to anterior corticospinal tract to adjust body position \
Explain intiation and Excution phase
Intiation :
the primary motor area send impulses in cortiospinal and corticobulbar tracts to activate
A motor neurons to activate skeletal muscles
Y gamma motor neurons to increases seneistivtiy preventint unloading
Excuton there is 2 feedback:
Visual feed bacak
Propriceptive feed bacak from receptors in muscles tendons and joints capusles
spinocerebellum : monitors the movments and observe any deviation from the original plan and send impulses to motor cortex to correct it
Motor Cortex sends impulses in corticospinal tract to correct movements called corrective imuplses
الحمدلله رب العالمين
blood supply of brain ?
o2 consuption
3.3ml/100gm/minute =46ml/min
فكر وقدر ثم فكر وقدر كي تحيا كيف قدرت
فكر وقدر ثم فكر وقدر كي تحيا كيف قدرت
فكر وقدر ثم فكر و وقدر كي تحيا كيف قدرت
ربي لا يعيد تلك الأيام ادعوه دعاء لا يخيب
فكر وقدر ثم فكر وقدر كي تحيا كيف قدرت
فكر وقدر ثم فكر وقدر كي تحيا كيف قدرت
فكر وقدر ثم فكر و وقدر كي تحيا كيف قدرت
ربي لا يعيد تلك الأيام ادعوه دعاء لا يخيب
Monro kellie dotrine
لو زادت ضغط الدماغ هيقفل الاوعية الدموية ويقلل الانسياب الدماغي
Monro kellie dotrine
لو زادت ضغط الدماغ هيقفل الاوعية الدموية ويقلل الانسياب الدماغي
cushing reflex!
وإذا سألك عبادي عني فإني قريب أجيب دعوة الداعي إذا دعان فليستجيبوا لي وليؤمنوا بي لعلهم يرشدون