Pain hyperalgisia and headache Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين
hyperaglesisa types
acordding to
site of lesion
Pain sensation
pain thresold
Explain primary hyperagledsia
Site : inflammed skin
Skin : inflammed
Site of lesion : Mechanism pain receptors
Pain sensation : Non painful become painful
Pain thrshold : Lowering thrshold due to chemicals espceially kinins
The most important chemical loweing pain threshold in receptors> ?
Explain 2ry Hyperalgesia ?
Site : healthy skin
Skin ; healthy
Site of lesion :mech: Convergence -Facilitation in spinal cord
Pain sensation : Painful become more painful
Pain threshold : Normal
الفكرة ان العصب الثاني في المسار تقابل مع العصب بتاع الالتهاب فعمله تقريب من الثيرشولد فلما تضرب علي الجلد الكويس هينقل في العصب الاول عادي لغاية العصب الثاني المستعد اصلا فيطلع فيه اكثرمن جهد حركة واصلا قوة الحركة بتعتمد علي عدد جهود الحركة الماشية للجهاز العصبي المركزي
Hepres zoster and pain
بص يا سيدي الهربس ممكن يجيلك وتخف منه بس هيتسخبي منك في الدرج ؟
Dorsal root ganglion in a segment of spinal cord
المهم يفضل مستخبي متسخبي لغاية ما مناعتك تقل يقول اشطاااا! انا طالع
المهم يعمل تهييج للعقدة في الجذر الخلفي الظهري و ينشط اعصاب الألم فيها
تروح للدماغ تقوله يابا في حتة جلد بتوجعك وانت مش واخد بالك فالدماغ يقولك اه صح ! قانون الاسقاط فتبدأ الديرماتوم المسئول عنها الدرج ده توجعك
بعدين الهربس ميسكتش لأ ..!
ينتقل عن طريق العصب الطرفي لغاية مايوصل تحت الجلد
ويعملك طفح جلدي وحويصلات فيها مايه
Unilateral limited Rash and Vesicles
Tic doulerux is
,5th and 9th Cranial Neuralgia
Tic doulereux explain
Sharp lancinating stabbing pain due to non noxious stimuli laughing and swallowing representing Attacks of pain at 5th and 9th cranial nerves
lasting for seconds or minutes
Referred pain explain
It is called Radiating pain
يعني الالم ده بيسمع فين ؟
It is pain in area of skin supplied by the same dermatome of a diseased Viscera
meaning : Supplied by the same Dorsal root
Referred pain frequency?
Commonly in Visceral pain
May in Deep pain
Impossible in Cutanuos pain
Examples of radiated pain ?
Gall bladder : tip of right scapula and epigastrium
Gastric pain between umbilicus and xiphoid process
Appendic around umbilicus
Renal ; Back and inguinal and testes
Cardiac : Retrosternal - outerchest - Neck Root - Inner arm
Theories of radiation
Convergence Facilitation theory
Convergence Projection Theory
تصبح علي خير يا غالي ^^
صباح الخير :)
فكان في النيل بهواءه العليل سكون للعليل
اشرحلي Convergence Projection theory of Referred pain
The afferent nerves transmitting pain from skin and viscera converge on the same cell on SGR .. Stimulating pathway to the same point in the cortex and whatever was the stimul from skin or viscera it would only be felt at skin
اشرحلي convergence Facilitation theory of referred pain
اللي عجبت عبد الحميد قوي
The afferent nerves from skin and diseased viscera rely on different two points on SGR then the afferent of diseased viscera faciitate the second afferent from the skin to activate its pathway fron SGR to Cortex casuing pain at skin at the same time the pathway from diseasd viscera arrive another point at cortex casuing its pain
Why do you feel pain at skin even if it is not hurt in light of CF Theory
Because second order neuron at SGR from skin pathway is facilitated by nerve from the diseased viscera activiating the pathway of skin pain from SGR to Cortex casuing referred pain or Radiating الالم المسمع
Why do you feel pain at skin even if it is not hurt in light of CF Theory
Because second order neuron at SGR from skin pathway is facilitated by nerve from the diseased viscera activiating the pathway of skin pain from SGR to Cortex casuing referred pain or Radiating الالم المسمع
Classify causes of Headache
Extracranial headache
Intracranial Headache
Mention 4 causes of Extracranial Headache
1-Spsam to Scalp and Neck Muscles
3-Otitis media
4-Errors of refraction by ciliary and extra orbital muscles : Orbital and retroOrbital Headache
6-Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays
I would like to tell you that brain is ?
Insensitive to Pain
Brain pain sensitive structures mention 4
1- Arteries especially Middle Meningeal Artery
2-Venous sinuses
حبال وغطيان
Mention casues of Intracranail headeache or
Mention Casues Of irritation of Brain pain sensitive sructures
Menigineal irritation
Low CSF Pressure
Mention Meinigral irritation tyes
Generalized : Meningtis
Localized : tumor
Opertative trauma
Low csf and pressure and headache
while lumbar puncture you withdrawed 20 ml from csf loweing the pressure causing traction of meinges and the blood vessels find a way to Dilate casuing stimulation of pain receptors casuing Headache ….
Alcohol and Headache ?
Direct meingieal irritation — Headache
HTN and headace ?
Hypertension causes stretch of blood vessels activating pain receptors headache is the end
What is Migarne ?
Localized Severe Headache
في نص الوش
Characteristics of Migraine
More common in female
Genetic due to abnormal Vascular phenomenon