Soñe Una Vida Flashcards
- Hubo una vez un mundo en paz
* v. haber= to have/to be/to exist ; it preterite
There was once a world in peace
y *era dulce la voz
*v. ser= to be; it imperfect
and there was a sweet voice
de esos hombres buenos
of these good men
Hubo una vez amor veraz
there was once true love
una luz sin final y unos versos eternos
a light without end and eternal verses
luego *vino el mal
*v. venir= to come; it preterite
Then came the evil
- Soñé una vida para mí
* v. soñar= to dream; yo preterite
I dreamed of a life for me
estaba *llena de esperanza
*llena is the feminine form of lleno.
it was full of hope
soñé que *amaba tan feliz
*v. amar= to love; yo imperfect
I dreamed that I loved so happily
soñe que dios me *perdonaba
*v. perdonar= to forgive; he imperfect
I dreamed that God would forgive me
Yo *era una niña sin temor
*v. ser; yo imperfect
I was a girl without fear
que *disfrutaba con sus sueños
*v. disfrutar= to enjoy; she imperfect
who used to enjoy her dreams
no *había deudas ni dolor
*v. haber= to exist; it imperfect
There was no debt or pain
todo *era bello bajo el cielo
*v. ser= to be; it imperfect
everything was beautiful under the sky
Pero cuando el sol *se va
*v. irse= to go away; it present
But when the sun goes away
y *entran fieras en tus sueños
*v. enterar= to enter; they present
and beasts come into your dreams
- te arrepientes de vivir
* v. arrepentirse de= to regret; tu present
you regret living
- se apoderan de tu ser
* v. apoderarse= to get hold ; they present
they take control of your being
- Pasó un verano junto a mi
* v. pasar= to spend ; he preterite
He spent a summer beside me
- llenó mis días con su magia
* v. llenar= to fill; he preterite
He filled my days with his magic
yo le *entregué mi juventud
*v. entregar= to turn in, to submit, to give ; yo preterite
I gave him my youth
pero al final le *vi partir
*v. ver= to seel yo preterite
but in the end, I saw him leaving
Y *sueño aún que *volverá
- v. soñar= to dream; yo present
- v. volver= to return; he future
and I still dream that he’ll return
y estoy con él toda la vida
and I’m with him all life
mejor *sería no soñar
*v. ser; it conditional
It would be better not to dream
es una calle sin salida
It is a street without exit
soñé que *huía de este infierno
*v. huir= to flee/escape ; yo imperfect
I dreamed of escaping from this hell
- he despertado, ya lo sé
* v. despertar= to wake up; yo present perfect
I have awaken, I know
hoy *muere el sueño
*v. morir= to die; it present
today the dream dies