see you again Flashcards
Amigo mio
My friend
aunque no *estés
*v. estar= to be; 2nd person present subjunctive
Although you are not (here)
te lo *contaré todo
*v. contar= to tell/to count ; yo future
I will tell you everything
cuando *te vuelva a ver
*v. volverse= to return/to become; yo present subjunctive
volver a hacer algo = to do something again
when I see you again
Un largo camino
A long way
- corrimos esta vez
* v. correr= to run; nosotros preterite
We ran this time
Nunca *imaginé
*v. imaginar= to imagine; yo preterite
I never imagined
los aviones que *volamos
*v. volar= to fly; nosotros preterite
The airplanes that we flew
lo bueno que *pasamos
*v. pasar= to pass/to happen; nosotros preterite
The good thing (time) that we spent
siempre recordaré cuando *hablaba contigo
*v. hablar= to speak; yo imperfect indicative
I will always remember when I used to talk to you
y siempre lo haré
and I will always do it
recuerdos en la carretera y en
Memories on the highway and in
nuestro camino y cada risa también
our way and every laugh also
- tuvo que cambiar el destino
* v. tener= to have; 3rd person preterite
the destiny had to change
y te lo digo nada es igual
and I tell you nothing is the same
esos días de trabajo no se *olvidarán
*v. olvidar; 3rd person plural future
those days of work will not forget
- sé que nos *cuidas de un mejor lugar
- v.saber= to know; yo present
- v.cuidar= to take care; tu present
I know that you take care of us from a better place
Como no hablar de la familia
how can we not talk about family ?
si lo es todo y mucho más
If it is everything and more
todo lo que *tenemos
*tener; nosotros present
Everything that we have
por eso a mi lado estás
that’s why you are at my side
y en este último viaje me *acompañas
*v. acompañar= to accompany; tu present
and on this last trip you accompany me
Seguimos en el camino
We continue on the road
el ambiente no es el mismo
The environment is not the same
la amistad nos hace fuerte
friendship makes us strong
es un vínculo inquebrable
It is an unbreakable link
como algo insuperable
like something unbeatable
no *perdamos el amor
*v. perder= to lose; nosotros present subjunctive
We do not lose the love
la hermandad es lo primero
brotherhood comes first
nuestro limite es el cielo
Our limit is the sky
nuestra linea de la vida
our line of life
- ha *sido *establecida
- ha sido= has been (v. ser)
- establecida is the feminine form of establecido.
It has been established
si *termina el recorrido
*v. terminar= to end; 3rd person present
If the route ends
- recuérdame si me *voy
- v. recordar= to remeber; tu imperative
- v. ir= to go; yo present
Remind me if I go
porque esa luz te *guiará
*v. guiar= to guard; 3rd person future
because that light will guide you
si *avanzas *guarda cada recuerdo
- v. avanzar= to move forward/progress; tu present
- v. guardar= to keep; tu imperative
If you move forward, keep every memory
siempre te *llevará cada camino a tu hogar, hogar
*v. llegar= to take/carry ; 3rd person future
always every road will take you to your home, home