Cancion Del Pueblo Flashcards
Canta el pueblo su cancion
the people sing their song
nada la puede detener
nothing can stop it
esta es la musica del pueblo
this is the music of the people
y no *se deja *someter
- v. dejarse= to let oneself ; 3rd person present
- v. someter= to submit
- *When used as a subject, gente or pueblo takes a singular verb, and it is modified by a singular adjective.
and they will not (let themselves) submit
Si al latir tu corazón
**The use of the contraction al followed by an infinitive is a very common way of indicating when something happens.
If when your heart beats
- oyes el eco del tambor
* v. oír= to hear; tu present
you hear the echo of the drum
es que el futuro *nacerá cuando *salga el sol
- *es que= the thing is / the fact is that…
- v. nacer= to be born; it future
- v. salir= to go out /to leave; it present subjunctive
It means the future will be born when the sun comes up
?Te *unirás a nuestra causa?
*v. unir= to join; tu future
will you join our cause?
- ven y *lucha junto a mi
- v. venir= to come/arrive ; tu imperative
- v. luchar= to fight; tu imperative
Come and fight beside me
tras esta barricada hay un mañana que vivir
behind this barricade, there’s a tomorrow to be lived
Si somos esclavos o libres *depende de ti
*v. depender= to depend; it present
If we are slaves or free depends on it
Ven *dispuesto a combatir
*v. disponer= to arrange, to have, to prepare ; participle
come willing to fight
hay una lucha que ganar
there’s a battle to be won
muchos hoy van a morir
many will die today
? estas dispuesto a *derramar ?
*v. derramar= to spill/shed
are you willing to spill?
tu sangre en las calles de Francia por la libertad
your blood on the streets of France for liberty ?