hit the lights Flashcards
El quizas nunca te dijo te quiero
perhaps he never said to you “I love you”
Ella quizas solo se quiso* ir
querer preterite 3rd person
perhaps she just wanted to leave
Y por ultima ves la vio* en ese tren
ver preterite 3rd person
and for the last time he saw her on that train
se asusto* y no supo que decir
asustar preterite 3rd person
He became frightened and didn’t know what to say
Te encantaría* ir a las vegas
encantar conditional 3rd person
You would love to go to Las Vegas
Tu lo juraste* antes de morir
jurar preterite 2nd person
you swore (to do it) before you die
Es la ciudad en el que el amor espera*
esperar present 3rd person
It is the city in which love waits
No temas*, solo hay que vivir.
temer subjunctive 3rd person
don’t be afraid, one just has to live !
(v. temer 2nd person subjunctive mood)
Y encender* cada luz que alumbre
and turn on every light that shines
La musica sentir*
feel the music
cobrare* vida esta noche
*cobrar subjunctive usted
you will come alive tonight
solo queda* seguir
quedar present 3rd person
it only remains to continue
Cuando te siente* tan vacio y perdido*
- sentirse present 3rd person
- verb vaciar
- participle of perder (to lose)
When you feel so empty and lost
Tratas de* huir y no volver a pensar
tratar de 2nd person
you try to flee and don’t come back to think
Constantemente sigue tu mente *peleando
*v. pelear = to fight
your mind constantly keeps fighting
El pasado quieres cambiar
The past you want to change
Todo el dinero que tu *has ahorrado
* ahorrar present perfect second person
All the money you’ve saved
Mientras que esperas una vida mejor
While you wait for a better life
Todos los sueños que nunca *se cumplieron
*v. cumplir(se) preterite third person plural; to come true; to happen
All the dreams that never came true
Por el miedo de tu corazón.
because of the fear in your heart !
Un mundo que solo quiere vivir
A world which only wants to live
Un mundo tan perfecto para mi
A world so perfect for my
Vámonos, vámonos hasta el final *llegaré
*v. llegar (to come; arrive)
Let’s go, let’s go (all the way) until the end
Desde el suelo hasta lo alto
From the ground to the top
La gente esta *brindando
*v. brindar = to offer/toast
People are offering
Quiero bailar por siempre.
I want to dance forever.