Lo que *hagas tu,lo *haré tambien
- v. hacer= to do; tu present subjunctive
- v. hacer; yo future
what you do, I will do it as well
dime como es y asi lo *aprenderé
*v. aprender= to learn; yo future
tell me how it is and I will understand it like this
es razonable,mas no para mi
It is reasonable, but not for me
sé que hay tanto por aprender
I know that there is so much to learn
- parece claro mas no es verdad
* v. parecer= to seem/to look like; it present
It seems clear but it is not true
y puedo ver mi *propia imagen
propia is the feminine form of propio = own
and I can see my own image
- descubriré cuan de grande es mi futuro
* v. descubrir= to discover; yo future
I will find out how big is my future
quiero saber que me *esnseñes
*v. enseñar= to teach; tu subjunctive
I want to know that you teach me
quiero saber lo extraño que soy
I want to know the strange thing that I am
y ni mas que *entienda
*v. entender= to understand; yo present subjunctive
and not any more that I understand
o que es normal en lo extraño que soy
what is normal in the strange thing that I am
cada gesto, como *mueve su ser
*v. mover= to move ; she present
each gesture, as it moves its being
- siento un algo como nunca *sentí
- v. sentir ; yo present
- yo preterite
I feel something like I never felt
esta atraccion me *invita a estar muy junto de ella
*v. invitar= to invite ; yo present
This attraction invites me to be very close to her
las emocines que hoy *conocí
*v. conocer= to know, to meet, to know oneself
yo preterite
the emotions that I met today
de un mundo son que jamas vivi
they are of a world that I never lived
detras del sol detras del mar
behind the sun behind the sea
que *habrá de nuevo en el horizonte
*v. haber= have/to exist; it future
that will exist again in the horizon
- ven conmigo te *mostraré
- v. venir= to come/ to arrive; tu imperative
- v. mostrar= to show; yo future
come with me I’ll show you
que en mi mundo esto es realidad
That in my world this is reality
y así sentir lo que siento yo contigo aquí
and so feel what I feel with you here
- sigueme con mi mano te *guiaré
- v. seguir= to follow; tu imperative
- v. guiar= to guide ; yo future
Follow me with my hand I will guide you