Te *extraño cada día mas
*v. extrañar= to miss; yo present
I miss you every day more
Te *prometí nunca olvidar
*v. prometer; yo preterite
I promised you never to forget
Sin aliento hoy para continuar
Without breath today to continue
Y mis lágrimas solo caen sin parar
And my tears just fall non-stop
¿Por qué te *has ido?
*v. ir; tu present perfect
why have you gone?
Sé que no *era el momento
*v. ser; it imperfect
I know that it was not the time
Hoy *vivimos *valorando tu recuerdo
- v. vivir; nosotros present
- v. valorar= to value, to appreciate; gerund
Today we live valuing your memory
Algún día sé que te *alcanzaré
*v. alcanzar= to reach; yo future
Some day I know that I will reach you
Yo te *abrazaré como nunca y te *diré
- v. abrazar= to hug; yo future
- v. decir; yo future
I will embrace you as never before and I will say to you
Cuanto te *amo, me haces tanta falta
*v. amar; yo present
How much I love you, I miss so much
Sé que el recuerdo vivo está
I know that the memory is alive
Pero no es *lo mismo que al verte llegar
**Lo can be used as a neuter definite article before an adjective to make an abstract noun.
But it is not the same as seeing you arrive
Y escuchar tu voz dentro de mi ser
And hear your voice inside my being
Me hace sonreír pero no puedo entender
It makes me smile, but I can’t understand
Yo te extraño tanto
I miss you so much
Solo dios *sabe que es así
- v. saber; él present
- es así= so
God only knows so (that it is like that)
- Han pasado años
* v. pasar; they present perfect
years have passed
Y sin ti no soy feliz
And without you I am not happy