- Hazme un muñeco de nieve
* v. hacer; tu imperative
Make me a snowman
- Venga, vamos a jugar
* v. venir; yo present subjunctive
I come, we’re going to play
Ahora ya no te puedo ver
Now I cannot see you anymore
Lo sé muy bien, ¿qué *ha podido pasar?
*v. poder; it present perfect
I know it very well: what could have happened?
- Éramos inseparables y ahora ya no
* v. ser; nosotros imperfect
we were inseparable, and now we’re not anymore
No lo *logro comprender
*v. lograr= to reach, to be able to; yo present
I can not understand it
O lo que sea, me da igual
- lo que sea= whatever
- me da igual= it does not matter to me
or whatever, It doesn’t matter to me
*Déjame, Anna *v. dejar= to leave; tu imperative
Vale, adiós *vale= okay
Leave me Anna
okay, bye
O ven en bici a montar
*montar en bici= ride a bike
or come by bike to ride
Que necesito compañía ya
I need company already
Porque a los cuadros ya les *he empezado a hablar
*v. empezar; yo present perfect
Because to the pictures I have already begun speaking to them
¡Ánimo, Juana!
*ánimo= mood; encouragement, cheer up, courage
courage, juana
Me siento un poco sola y *me aburro ya
*v. aburrirse= to be bored; yo present
I feel a bit lonely and I am already bored
- Mirando las horas pasar
* v. mirar; gerund
Watching the hours pass
Sé que estás ahí dentro
I know that you are there inside
La gente *pregunta dónde estás
*v. preguntar; 3rd person present
People ask where are you
Dicen que *intente tener valor
*v. intentar= to try; she present subjunctive
**When the command is given through a third party, indirect commands are used. The form is “que + present subjunctive.”
they say she should try to have courage
Y ya no puedo más, déjame entrar
And I can not anymore, let me enter
Ya no nos *queda nadie, sólo tú y yo
*v. quedar= to be left, to stay; 3rd person present
We no longer have anyone, just you and me
¿Y ahora *qué va a pasar?
*qué= what? interrogative
And now what is going to happen?