SOLAS Flashcards
When should masters send a special report?
- Dangerous Ice
- Dangerous Derelict
- Any danger to navigation
- A tropical storm
- Winds above beaufort force 10
- Sub freezing temperatures and gales causing ice accretion
What are the SOLAS Chapters?
- General Provisions
2.1 Construction - structure, stability, machinery and electrical
2.2 Construction - Fire Prevention, detection and extinction - LSA
- Radio Communications
- Safety of Navigation
- Carriage of cargo and oil fuels
- Carriage of dangerous goods
- Nuclear Ships
- Management of the safe operation of ships
- Safety measures for HSC
11.1 Special measures to enhance maritime safety
11.2 Special measures to enhance maritime security
12 Safety measures for bulk carriers
13 Verification of compliance
14 Safety measures for polar ships
15 IP Code (In force July 24)
How often should masters report storm conditions?
Hourly but no more than 3 hour intervals
Who should masters send a special report to?
The coast station and ships in vicinity
What required and critical equipment is on a ship > 10,000gt
- Magnetic compass + spare
- Pelorus
- Nautical charts and publications and backup
- Sound reception system
- Telephone to emergency steering position
- Daylight signal lamp and battery
- Echo Sounder
- 9 GHz X band radar and ARPA
- 3 GHz S Band radar and ARPA
- Speed log
- Gyro Compass
- Autopilot
Is the master bound to answer a distress call?
Yes. The master should proceed at best speed, responding to the vessel in distress and the coast station.
What are the acceptable reasons for not responding to a distress call?
- The master has been told that their vessel is not required.
- The distress has finished.
- The vessel is unable to offer assistance
- The masters sees it as unreasonable or unnecessary to proceed.
Reasons should be logged in the logbook and inform the rescue station as appropriate.
What is regulation 34-1 masters Discretion?
The owner, the charterer, the company operating the ship or any other person SHALL not prevent or restrict the master of the ship from taking or executing any decision which, in the masters professional judgement is necessary for the safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environment.
What communication equipment is required as per SOLAS chapter 4?
- VHF - CH 70 DSC watch and RT Ch 6/13/16
- SART - AIS or 9Ghz (X Band)
- Reception of INMARSAT EGC
- EPIRB capable of floating free
MF/HF Station in A2 sea area
INMARSAT MES in A3/A4 sea areas
Reserve power capable of running all equipment for 1 hr with reserve electrical power or 6 hr without
How often should drills be conducted?
1 abandon ship and 1 fire drill every month. Weekly on passenger ships
Additional drills within 24 hr of departure if more than 25% of crew have changed.
Enclosed space drills every 2 months
How often should lifeboats be launched?
They should be launched and maneuvered in the water every 3 months or 6 months if freefall.
Whats involved in an Abandon ship muster?
- Muster at muster stations
- Crew and passengers appropriately dressed
- Lifejackets properly donned
- Lower at least one lifeboat
- Starting and operating the lifeboat engine
- SAR exercise to find passengers in cabins
- Instruction on the use of radios
- Test emergency lighting
Whats involved in a fire drill?
- Muster
- Start fire pump with at least 2 jets of water
- Checking fireman’s outfit and equipment
- Check communications
- Test watertight doors, fire doors and fire dampers
Whats involved in an enclosed space drill?
- Check PPE required for entry
- Check communication equipment and procedures
- Check gas detectors
- Check rescue equipment and procedures
- First aid and resuscitation techniques
How often should LSA fall wires be renewed?
At intervals of no more than 5 years
What LSA documents are required on ships?
- LSA and FFE training manual located in all mess rooms and recreation rooms
- Decision support system available to masters on the bridge
What is the ESP Code?
The International Code for the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers
What does the ESP Code do?
It provides additional inspection criteria dependent on vessel age and steel coating condition for ballast and cargo spaces.
How often should damage control drills be carried out on passenger ships?
Every 3 months
What is involved in a damage control drill?
- Report to muster station
- Use of damage control info and conduct a stability assessment for the damaged condition
- Communications link between the ship and shore based support
- Operation of watertight doors and enclosures
- Demonstrate proficiency in flooding detection system (location of alarms)
- Demonstrate proficiency in use of cross flooding and equalization systems
- Operation of bilge pumps and alarms
- Instruction in damage survey and ships damage control systems
What should emergency power supply on a passenger ship?
- Emergency lighting - 36 hours
- Nav lights and radio - 36 hours
- Communication and nav equipment - 36 hours
- Fire detection and alarm system - 36 hours
- Fire pump/sprinkler pump and bilge pump - 36 hours
- Lifts and watertight doors - 30 mins
Over 10,000 GT 30 mins steering. All other ships 10 mins steering
What additional emergency power is required for RoRo ships?
Supplementary lighting powered by rechargeable batteries in all passenger spaces and alleyways for at least 3 hours after power has failed.
What should emergency power supply on cargo ships?
- Emergency lighting at emergency stations - 3 hours
- Emergency lighting - 18 hours
- Nav lights and radio - 18 hours
- Communication and nav equipment - 18 hours
- Fire detection and alarm system - 18 hours
- Fire pump - 18 hours
Over 10,000 Gt 30 mins steering
All other vessels, 10 mins steering
What is an A class boundary?
The temperature of the material will not rise more than 140 deg C and will not rise above 180 deg C within the time specified.
Will not allow the passage of smoke or flame for one hour.
What is a B class boundary?
The temperature of the material will not rise more than 140 deg and will not rise above 225 deg C within the time specified.
Will not allow the passage of flame for 30 mins.
What certification should nuclear ships carry and what is the validity?
Either a Nuclear passenger ship safety certificate or a nuclear cargo ship safety certificate valid for 12 months, showing compliance with SOLAS chapter 8.
What is the IGF code?
The International code for ships using gases or other low flashpoint fuels not covered by the IGC Code.
How is the IGF code made mandatory?
SOLAS Chapter 2-1
What is a low flashpoint fuel?
Fuel with flashpoint less than 60 degrees C
What is flashpoint?
The lowest temperature than a vapour will ignite when ignited.
What is checked in a Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate?
- Liferafts and lifeboats
- Lifebuoys
- Lifejackets and immersion suits
- SART, EPIRB and Emergency VHF
- Magnetic and gyro compass. Pelorus and deviation card
- ECDIS, Charts and publications
- Radar
- Echo sounder
- AIS and LRIT
- Speed log
- Propulsion, rate of turn
- Sound reception system
- Aldis lamp